Got Navcore 7 for my one...

Jul 5, 2007
TomTom Model(s)
One v4
or I got something! I saw a posting earlier today saying there were updates available for serial numbers starting with Z, well when I connected the unit it said no updates were available. I had to use the beta TT Home to see the update for some reason. Once it was loaded I have found a few odd things.
1) I thought it was going to included quick help icons, like navigate to nearest hospital etc.....I don't see this anywhere. Under navigate to they added "position of last stop."
2) They added a few safety preferences, like suggesting driving breaks.
3) Map corrections icon is there but tells you you need to update maps.
4) I think the advanced planning has been renamed "prepare route"
5) For some reason I have two icons for guided tours, not sure why.
6)Black out, flashlight, morback and nano-x appear to function without any issues.
7) Changing the config file on tripmaster worked fine but I can't get suntime or offroad to work.
8) Calculator, fuel control and reverse itinerary are non functional and I don't know if there is a fix for those.

Granted the screens look a little different and I got a few things added it seems like I have lost a lot more than I have gained. Not sure if this will stay...good thing I made a back up prior to updating. Anyone have any suggestions on somthing I could try? Could I have gotten an incomplete install?
I just updated as well, gotta admit I was pretty excited! Suntime works just fine, there are several new safety features including a speed warning where you can set a certain speed and have the TomTom beep at you if you exceed that speed. There are a number of new status bar options (at least for TT1 owners anyway) including the option of docking the bar vertically instead of horizontally. The vertical option doesn't look nearly as nice to my eye, especially since we're not using a widescreen format in the first place, but hey at least you have it as an option! I'm not sure I like the new color scheme as much, it just doesn't look as... well for lack of a better word "cool" as the old one.

There is an additional 2D option in map view, you can choose to have a 2D map where the travel direction is at the top of the screen, or a 2D map where North is always the top of the screen (Garmins have had this for quite a while if I'm not mistaken). Nice to have it built in, but I tend to use the 3D view more often anyway.

There is also an option to have the route summary screen close after 10 seconds, eliminating the need for extra tapping once you decide to navigate somewhere...

That's all I've discovered in the 10 minutes since I put it on my ONE, but so far I'm pleasantly surprised... now they just need to float us the new maps so that we can all use map corrections along with MAPSHARE....

EDIT: And yes, I had to download the new version of Home in order to install the update (although Home went ahead and offered the update once I opened it)
nice.. the map option has always been there though... "North Up" or direction up... at least that's what I thought.
Not sure what the deal was with TT Home, but the first time I connected with TT Home I didn't get any updates so I disconnected and reconnected with the Beta version and immediately it found the new navcore and two POI updates. May have been a coincidence or maybe they are giing priority to those that use the beta figuring they may be more advanced users??

I was really hoping to have that help icon for quick klinks to emergency items...would be especially helpful for the wife.

SCMGOBLUE...did your suntime run or were you able to get into the configuration screen? At first I thought mine was fine too then I realized there was a config screen that I can't get to open.
More observations:
Can't remember if it did this before but I don't remember it. On the way to work one road was listed as Rt 515/ Co Rt 515/ 515, the label practically took the whole screen.
One really nice surprise was when I went to do a POI search near work. I used the browse map, bullet, find pois nearby and was pleased to see that they added the ability to go back after selecting a POI or scroll through them. Previously I would guess at which one I wanted since I couldn't see the actual street addy, then have to go back and try again. Now you can select one, hit back and pick another or scroll through them and see them mapped out for you. If you tap the screen you can toggle between 2 and 3D maps and after you hit select you get more details (ie phone number) of the POI.
One other strange thing is how slow it locates me now. It used to be almost instant that it would show my location, though in the update I did not get a quick fix update so maybe next time I connect things will improve.
Anyone have the beta installation file handy? It was an open beta, so it's perfectly legit and okay to redistribute, but it's just no longer on the TomTom server. I'd like to try out Navcore7 and see what I think of it, and I have no idea how long I'll be waiting for the update otherwise.
After updating and getting the message from MapShare that my maps were out of date, I called Tomtom customer support. After putting me on hold and asking her supervisor, I was told that there will be a USA and Canada map update (to version 7) available for the v2 One in early October, but she could not tell me if it was going to be a free update or not.
I still have the Suntime icon and when I tap it I get the usual "awaking suntime" message, but when I tap it again the config screen is all garballed. I can't get the Suntime or Offroad to function. Tripmaster runs and I can see teh config screens but if I try to change a setting it goes screwy on me.
SCMGOBLUE...did your suntime run or were you able to get into the configuration screen? At first I thought mine was fine too then I realized there was a config screen that I can't get to open.

Mine ran automatically when I started up my TomTom after loading the update. I have not attempted to open the configuration screen of Suntime though, I'm using version 1.6 (I believe) but it worked great this morning. I'll run out and check to see if I can get into the program via the menu in a minute.

Another new feature is that it now displays the name of the road you are currently on just above the status bar; both while navigating or just driving around. If you have the status bar showing "current street name" it redudantly shows the name in both locations, but when actually navigating somewhere, it puts the next road name in the status bar and keeps the current road name just above the bar on the map.

It may be just me, but I think it's also altered the default zoom level, it's back a little further which I am a BIG fan of. It labels street names a little further in advance than previously, again, I find this to be a big help.

I have noticed that it is taking longer to obtain a GPS lock when I first turn it on however, it used to be instant, now it takes around 10 seconds or so before it locks in... I was able to download the latest GPSFix update, and am a little confused as to why this may be occurring.

EDIT: Ok, just checked and yes the configuration screen of suntime is completely jumbled up and unreadable... however it is still working...

Also, it took at least 30 seconds for it to get a GPS fix after I had turned it on.... I'm still a bit perplexed as to the reason behind the big delay.
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Has anyone tried doing this yet (

I don't have my USB cord with me to try this out, but maybe it will work to fix the problems with the suntime screen?

Just a thought.
Yeah I have tried that and it worked on the tripmaster but not for offroad or suntime. If I remember correctly neither one had a reference to screen adaptation. I put it in each one but it does nothing, maybe it needs to be in a certain spot? If anyone has this working could you post the contents of you config file? you have the help screen? Or two guided tour icons?
I do have the two guided tour icons (not sure what that's about) and I guess I'm not sure what you mean by the "help screen". I don't have an icon that tells me where the nearest hospital is, etc, etc, etc... Do only the X20's have that? I wish I did though, I think that's a great feature they should make available to every unit.

It's still taking FOREVER to lock on to a GPS signal... it's starting to annoy me at this point, I really was impressed with how quickly I'd get a lock before I updated, now it takes at least 30 to 45 seconds.

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