GO 720 is stuttering BAD

fed up

I have a 720, I have bought 3 XL-S's as gifts over the last couple years, I feel TomTom dropped the ball on this issue and have shown me exactly what to expect from TomTom care and customer service. I just purchased a Garmin for my parents, soon to do the same for myself. That's how companies eventually go out of bussiness.
I have a 720, I have bought 3 XL-S's as gifts over the last couple years, I feel TomTom dropped the ball on this issue and have shown me exactly what to expect from TomTom care and customer service. I just purchased a Garmin for my parents, soon to do the same for myself. That's how companies eventually go out of bussiness.

After you /parents have had there new Garmin for a few months please do a feed back and let us know if there CS is better.
Just completed a 3 week session with the n?vi 755T.

I really enjoyed my experience with the unit. The traffic interface: I really liked when area was covered the current , up to date info. That
feature is included with unit :: Supplies you with a great amount of information ::

Overall performance was definitely on par with TomTom. I found no real differences in routing patterns or re-routing/missed that turn
Display is comparable, but the Garmin gets the A for the "eye candy" lane-assist view. I did find data entering a little more clumsy but
eventually got the "hang of it".

A top tier product in every regards......but the pricing is totally outta whack. Garmin's certainly not shy in regards to placing premium price points
on their " top shelf " models.

The only head-to-head deal breaker for me with the Garmin product, is the lack of customisation features. You're pretty much stuck with
what comes outta the box.

Ran it for 17 days for 2 R/T runs from east to west coast & one up into Canada [9,600 miles]

Pieces of my evaluation will appear in Landline Magazine in Feb 09

Returned to Editor with no ill felt feelings. [no loss]

Me 720's not going anywhere, soon.

I'm currently awaiting [for review] arrival of the new ALK PC*MILER Navigator 430.The 430 is a Commercial Truck specific unit. Should be interesting.
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Not the charger

I didnt say is a battery problem.....I want to say that is a CHARGING problem...I did test with battery fully charged and it DOES NOT stutter....It is stuttering ONLY when is charging....

Mine stutters with the battery fully charged. It stutters with the battery half charged. It stutters with the battery charging.

It Stutters on both Susan and on Kate, as well as on a number of "recorded" voices whose names I don't remember. It's at least understandable on the recorded voices, which is more than I can say on the computer voices.
Ever since I upgraded to NavCore 8.204, I have not had a single stuttering issue since, and my map refresh rate is AWESOME!

If you use traffic services via bluetooth, this OS version isn't for you.
Get a sdhc card of 4 gigs or more, copy your entire NA folder from internal to the card and see if the stuttering ceases.

I have a 720 with only the NA map and map 8.10 and f/w 8.3. I put the NA map on a sdhc card and do NOT have the stuttering ... yet.:eek:


I've never altered the internal memory since I originally recieved it. Other than updated Navcores, the internals memory is completely "stock"

Updated maps have always been placed onto my Sandisk 16GB. From the SD card, I can choose from various map builds. I think possibly,
your external hypothesis might be the stuttering work around.
I've not experienced the stuttering issue nor any other reported
map problems. Unlike the typical office working commuter,
[who travels the SAME route everyday] I couldn't tolerate
the 11 hours I do daily, listening to a stuttering voice........
that would drive me crazy.
mine too

Well I just got my 720 about a week ago. Almost instantly it was stuttering. I got on the phone with TomTom tonight and the lady there had me replace the 8.3 with 7.something(tomtom is upstairs). I will try it out tomorrow and post what happens. By reading here this should clear it up, I hope. Very annoying.
any news

do those of you that have dealth with TomTom for a while now have any thoughts on when and if real fix fro this problem will ever come? I had mine working fairly well, but this weekend I took a longer trip to New York (about 400 miles one way) and the GPS started acting up again with the stuttering again and the slow choppy directions. I have very few options turned on, and only 2 computer voices loaded. As before it is worse when plugged in. It was so irritating at times I almost tossed it out the window, especially when it would tell me to turn on a street when I was on top of the street or past it.

It's just not right that this company basically ruined our units and havn't come out with a fix.
They DONT care about...I will return this junk to the store...and never deal again with this BS company...
do those of you that have dealth with TomTom for a while now have any thoughts on when and if real fix fro this problem will ever come?
As hammered as their tech support must be at this point, I would expect that at least some of the issues (esp "stuttering") will be addressed fairly soon. It's got to be costing them a fortune to service the number of complaints they're undoubtedly getting on this.

Also, as mentioned elsewhere in this thread and others, you can always revert to a prior firmware version. At present, I'm back running 8.010, and won't move forward again until I'm convinced they've done some more thoughtful debugging of the next release.
Answer from TOMTOM Tech Support

I began having stuttering problems with my 720 again like everyone else and contacted tech support. Here is the reply:

Thank you for taking the time to contact TomTom Customer Support regarding the computer voices stuttering since the update to version 8.3 of the application. My name is Jamie. We are always happy to help.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may be causing. This is due to the application version 8.3. We are currently gathering customer feedback in regards to this issue. Please continue to check for future application updates which may correct this feature. We do not have an estimated time of when this update will be released. We thank your for your patience in regards to the application update, which will correct this.

Thank you for choosing TomTom for your navigation needs. If you have any further questions or comments, please email or call us at 866-486-6866 Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM until 7:00 PM EST or Saturday, 9:00 AM until 6:00 PM EST. Thanks again for writing. At TomTom we believe in showing you the way the easy way.

With Best Regards,

TomTom Customer Support

I have reverted back to firmware version 8.010 and everything is working with no stuttering. I'll wait until there are no complaints on the next update before I apply it.
Well I made the change to .9901 just to do it -- so far all looks well - I find both my maps no problem. FM works with Jukebox and voice works great. Have to wait for a trip to try a sustained voice direction test.


Update - seems with this newer version I leap-frogged the emulator functionality in My GO - it wont work, says not supported yet - but I'll stay for a while with .9901 - really don't use the emulator anyway.
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My go720 is stuttering REAL BAD...after the oficial update navcore 8.300.Especially with long names...Susan stops in the middle of the word,then says two more syllables then stop again...and finally finishes after 20 SECONDS....Somebody else with same problem??

:mad: :mad: :mad:

I too have the same problem with Susan. She stops and starts and sometimes the message is totally garbled. I have not enabled POIs to be shown on the map except for petrol stations.
It's just not right that this company basically ruined our units and havn't come out with a fix.

You are correct, not right at all.

BUT....... having used TomTom products since I purchased my 1st PDA [Axim X30] Guessing 6-7 years ago

I've always found that Corp TT has, without failure , fixed every single bug they ever dished out. The complexity involved and never ending code changes has made the development process more difficult to perfect.

Never once, regardless of map upgrades & navcore updates has any of my units become totally un-operative. A pain in the @ss ? YES

But, never have any of the goofs/bugs/bad code prevented me from getting to point B...from point A

I have 100% faith that current and future version builds will ultimatly be worked out, and the product line itself will maintain its status as "the best GPS product money can buy"
I too am having trouble with TT Support... they keep telling me to upgrade the navcore to the latest version and that will fix it... no... they dont get that's what caused it in the 1st place... with 8.15 maps... then they give me the link to the previous version of navcore... which doesnt work with v.8.15 maps... so I ask for a refund for my 8.15 maps... nope... can't... tells me to upgrade to v8.3 to have my new maps work... AAARRRRGGGHHHH...

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