GO 720 is stuttering BAD

I didn't experience the voice problems but noticed with 8.15 map and navcore 8.30 that the screen refresh rate is inconsistent. It chugs along fine most of the time and then suddenly it slows down to almost like you have too many poi's selected.

This afternoon, I made a quick stop at a gas station on the way to a programmed destination. When I started back tomtom said something about not finding a faster route than the one currently selected and then the unit started acting like garmin units. Screen refresh half a second to a full second. I checked the memory usage etc and I still had 14mb free. I left it alone for a few minutes (actually I was moving slowly in heavy traffic) and it fixed itself.

I know about too many poi's slowing the refresh rate etc and this is not related since I have no poi's selected. Its almost as if the processor spiked and everything slowed down. Would be kinda cool if they add proc usage with memory usage also:)

On a side note, with 8.15 map, the route calculation is slightly slower compared to older maps. I don't know if that is IQ route v2 related or the new Navcore is just crap.
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What version of Susan do you have installed? Through Home, navigate to items on my unit, look for voices, hilite Susan and click more info.

Is it 690? 691? or something else?
hi people, i do not have the stuttering issue but i seem to have lost the "next street name" underneath the status bar.
i have tried going through all the relavant menus but i can`t seem to get it back.
Has any one else had this drama and is there a way to get it back.
I have been using Kate, UK Computer voice for awhile since she does not slaughter Spanish names here in sunny California as badly as Susan. Her file size is several times the size of Susan, so the program may have more/better programing behind it.

I have had a suspicion for some time now that Susan was modelled after a California valley girl - who were know for their limited vocabulary as well as their intelligence in general. If she is stressed out with the new application - stuttering could be expected....

Give Kate a try !

PS - I have 8.3 and 810 maps - Kate has not stutterer at all and for the few brief times I tried Susan - she did not either (but maybe she was trying to keep me from going back to Kate - which I did anyway).
My unit still seems sluggish then before. But im also running 8.3 and only the 7.10 maps. How is everyone getting the updated maps? It seems so any people are getting them that i would think they were a free update, and all i see is 8.15 maps for $109
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Nothing is free in the land of TomTom - except the 30 day map guarantee. That is how I got my 810 maps, and some are getting 815 - but I would not now spend the $120 to go from 810 to 815 on a bet...

The 710 maps are about a year old (they have had 720 and 725 since then).

If you unit is sluggish - try the dhn treatment (pin reset) and the clear-flash tool. The latter will more likely clear it up if it has never been done.

At some point, you may want to go with a new map for the new features (and updated streets, etc.), but I would wait and see it we see some map sales before the holidays. Unless you are very unhappy with your map, you should wait.

Also, if the above does not clear up the sluggishness - consider rolling back to an earlier application until you get new maps, as 8.3 is primarily to let you run the newest maps.
Also be aware of this........

Upgrading to 8.3 causes ALL custom poi's (if you have them) to be CHECKED! That will sure cause sluggishness when viewing a route if you have more than a couple of custom poi's.

Review how many are checked and uncheck those you don't really need. Built in poi's (poi.dat & crpoi.dat) are unaffected.
Also be aware of this........

Upgrading to 8.3 causes ALL custom poi's (if you have them) to be CHECKED! That will sure cause sluggishness when viewing a route if you have more than a couple of custom poi's.

Review how many are checked and uncheck those you don't really need. Built in poi's (poi.dat & crpoi.dat) are unaffected.

My upgrade didn't check them all. Mine were left alone for some reason..

Ohh and my device finally stuttered today! It suttered twice. The first time is more due to the battery reaching the half way mark (not OS related), and all of the sudden when ever Susan spoke, the device looked like it was going to explode. The screen was surging badly along with Susan mumbling everything, and the screen was blinking, brightening, dimming like crazy. This was with half battery! This clearly can't be good for the device! This was 3 minutes into the drive home. After I saw this happening, I plugged in the car adapter, and all is good.

The second stutter was when I was near my house (it was a 50 min drive)
It had said "In a quarter of a mile, turn righ.....t.......ttt......t...t.."

Then when the turn came it said "Turn right, Planta...........tion blvd...d..d."

The "free RAM" was still at 15.2 MB so this HAS to be a processor surge or something. Since 8.3 this 720 has been slower in everything overall (except locking sats... )

Planning route, recalculating route, it's all slow. BLARG!:eek:
I guess the choice for all of us is to either live with it until a fix comes out (whenever .....) or revert back to a previous firmware version.

Those with 8.15 maps/firmware 8.3/720 units REALLY have a tought call since 8.15 only works with 8.3 f/w.

For the rest of us, the choice is somewhat easier........:eek:
Guys.....When you have the chance to test your gps.....please DONT CHARGE it while you are driving,leave it running on battery....i might be wrong ,but i suspect something here...
Guys.....When you have the chance to test your gps.....please DONT CHARGE it while you are driving,leave it running on battery....i might be wrong ,but i suspect something here...

Like I said, while it was running on battery the device surged like crazy, and this has always been a known issue. They say that when the battery is usually low, this happens, but for some reason, my device does this at half battery, and then dies pretty quickly. The battery has NEVER made it below 40% for whatever reason.

And also, the stutter everyone here keeps talking about happened WHILE it was charging, so it's not a battery issue.
And also, the stutter everyone here keeps talking about happened WHILE it was charging, so it's not a battery issue.

I didnt say is a battery problem.....I want to say that is a CHARGING problem...I did test with battery fully charged and it DOES NOT stutter....It is stuttering ONLY when is charging....
All of us know it's a software issue, TomTom knows it's a software issue, they have said it themselves, they are aware of this, they are going to fix this. When? Who knows.

I guess like he said, everyone should see if it stutters while NOT charging. If not charging the unit while driving fixes this (temporarily) then I wonder how the heck TomTom managed to mess this one up. :confused: They do the weirdest things!

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