Go 600 US release date?

I used the same email for my 920 (which was stolen) for my 740 and there is no problem with it.
But could it cause the problem on the 600?
If it is the problem, if I use a different email to connect to my 600, will it solve the problem?
Please use a separate email address for the new device. Will avoid problems that way. Well, some of them, anyway.........
I think I found the problem. During the first installation, it fail, so map wasn't install successfully. But it still take up the memory space on the device. Right now MyDrive said there is a problem with the map on my device, but i can't re-install because there is no space, and I can't seems to remove the problem map
The map probably downloaded successfully - but have to wonder why it did not install successfully.

If you are unable to use MyDrive to install the new map (which would entail removing the one that is there), you will need to ask Customer Support to generate a server job to remove the broken map from your device.

If you cached the new map, at least you shouldn't have to download it again. Your cache is probably located at "C:\Documents and Settings\[yourname]\Local Settings\Application Data\TomTom\HOME3\cache" by default. Inside that folder, there should be a folder called content{n} (some number) that is more than 4GB in size. If you see that, it's your map.

It certainly was easier in the 'old days'.
Think you're going to have to memorize this number.

United States
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST

This number is **just** for Nav4 devices (a description given to devices such as yours).
Well the map is definitely downloaded, but for some reason, installation keeps on failing...
I already disable the firewall (if this is the problem, map shouldn't be downloaded successfully)
Reinstall the MyDrive (per instructed by CS)
Change USB port
Restart computer
Clear cache (which redownload the map)
Using google chrome
Now waiting for 9am to call CS again
I finally got the map to installed.
When it shows the update interrupted message on the 600, i just unplug and reconnect the usb cable
Then, it will continues to install the map.
I have to do it like 10+ times, each times installing about 5 %, and finally got it done.
What a mess

I miss the 740 already
The necessity for an unplug/replug isn't (unfortunately) all that uncommon, and there doesn't seem to be any particular set of circumstances that causes it to become necessary.

Just out of curiosity, what version of MyDrive are you running on your PC?
I know, that would be annoying to do it each map update.
Also, it talks a while to install each update (excluding download time)
(mapshare takes like 6-10 minutes)
I am using version

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