Go 600 US release date?

Has anyone received their new unit? My 2535 is acting wonky lately and I have been holding off having BB replace it until these new units come out. I am not sure if I should go with the 600 or 500 as the only difference I've seen is the screen size. Is this correct? What will I be losing by going to a Go 500/600 from my 2535?
To answer the last question - many features. This new series is far from complete in that regard.

You are correct that the difference between 500 and 600 is screen size alone.

What you don't tell us is whether your 2535 is a "Live" model. TomTom has a new approach to "Live" for its most recent units.

Is your 2535 still under warranty such that you can have it replaced for free (your comment seemed to imply that)?
To answer the last question - many features. This new series is far from complete in that regard.

You are correct that the difference between 500 and 600 is screen size alone.

What you don't tell us is whether your 2535 is a "Live" model. TomTom has a new approach to "Live" for its most recent units.

Is your 2535 still under warranty such that you can have it replaced for free (your comment seemed to imply that)?

Yes my 2535 is a Live model whereas it has a sim card inside it. It is not under factory warranty rather warranty from BestBuy.
If you don't mind the fee for the Live services ... I'd stick with a 2535 Live replacement from Best Buy IF they can still turn one up to replace it.

Alternately - let's talk briefly about what's 'wonky' with your existing unit. Perhaps we can get it up to snuff for you again.
Well mine suppose to be arrived yesterday, but it didn't, instead, it was shipped yesterday. It was suppose to be arrive today (new schedule), but it didn't...
If / when the thing ever arrives, we would be interested to know exactly what code version shipped on it. When you get it,

click the circle "..." in the lower left corner
swipe the menu right to left to expose the "?" button
press the "?" button to reveal the firmware version, among other things
Amazon said they shipped it Thursday, shipping company said they arrived Thursday morning, but in the afternoon it changed to never received it. So now I am trying to contact both Amazon and the shipping company to see whats going on.
If Amazon shipped, they should provide tracking number. Tracking number will expose the actual pick-up time from the warehouse on Thursday. Even 1 day shipping, if you paid the extra, would not have arrived same day. Prime 2 day would put the device at your house today.
I've never had any dealings with LaserShip (from Amazon or anyone else), so would hesitate to try to interpret their peculiar tracking log, but it looks to me like they can't decide whether they picked up the package from Amazon or not.
well I am a prime member so I used the 2 days shipping option. And Lasership is one of the company they use. Past experience is that they usually have the item arrive on time or early. But this specific case, they might lost the package. I contacted Lasership and their response is that they never received the package. That get me wonder, what causes the initial "package received" notice
If / when the thing ever arrives, we would be interested to know exactly what code version shipped on it. When you get it,

click the circle "..." in the lower left corner
swipe the menu right to left to expose the "?" button
press the "?" button to reveal the firmware version, among other things

Finally got mine
The application version is 13.040.1481750.111 OS 1481563
Map is 920
The current map is 925. Connect to MyDrive (get it at tomtom.com/getstarted.

Log in with an email address not used for a prior device.

If an application is also offered, get it first before you get the 925 map. The map will be almost 5 gb in size because of its 3D stuff embedded in it.
I made a mistake of using my existing email, now all my service is transferred to the 600 (mainly the live service which is useless on the 600)
So my 740 now is without traffic report...
Looks like customer service time
Yup. That's the only way to straighten it out. Accounts are linked to email addresses instead of device serial numbers -- a situation we have NEVER understood here.
I mean, how hard it is to allow multiple devices on one account?
I might just give up the live on the 740 since its only have a few months left.
But the problem I have right now is that it keeps on getting error when updating the map
It downloaded successfully, but when installing, the 600 keep on saying interrupted, but mydrive shows nothing.
It's impossible
I mean, how hard it is to allow multiple devices on one account?
Impossible, the way they have it set up. Each unit must be linked to its own email account because that's how they handle add-on purchases and update notifications. If you were to buy a new European map for your 600 using your old 740 account, they would assign the new map (impossible, I know, but ...) to your 740. Again - why this wasn't managed via serial number instead of email account is a mystery.

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