Favorites restore question.

Your custom settings are in a file called MapSettings.cfg which is stored in the specific map folder on your unit (and backup hopefully).
dhn, what about the little corrections I did on the map. Such as a misspelled street name that I had to correct, a one-way street that now is a two-way.... Are these corrections be lost when I upgrade the map?
dhn, what about the little corrections I did on the map. Such as a misspelled street name that I had to correct, a one-way street that now is a two-way.... Are these corrections be lost when I upgrade the map?
My changes (mostly blocked roads to indicate streets that no longer go through - they LOVE to do that around here to create little enclaves) have persisted through the course of map updates. Yours should, too, providing you never lose your mapuserpatch.dat and mapsettings.cfg files for any reason. All the more reason (per this whole thread) to keep a copy of that kind of thing before doing any update. We always recommend full backups to your PC before updates.
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So stupid

:mad: This is so stupid, that every time (four time a year) we have to go through these hoops to restore our Favorites.

Not only that, every time I update the map, I lose the security code and have to re-enter it, and every time I run HOME I have to restore the car icon in preferences (it shows correctly in preferences, but not on the map page).

Thanks so much for the tip on how to restore the Favorites.

All I did was drag the backed up MapSettings.cfg file (found in the North_American_2GB folder of my backup) onto the TomTom in the same place, then ran HOME, and in HOME Operate My Go, then Change Preferences, then Manage Favorites, deleted one I didn't need anymore, and bingo! My Favorites were back again.

Thanks so much for the tip on how to do this! :)
Well, it would be nice of TomTom to warn us about this 'little' problem before they apply the map updates. When my update subscription runs out I will be switching to another brand - I love my ONE 3rdedition, it does all I need but I don't want to jump through hoops every few months to restore what should not have been touched in the first place. Dumb or what ! And when I search the TomTom website for answers, the suggestions offered are ludicrous: Some models it cant be done; some other models (but not mine) you have to convert favorites into POI, as if that is a solution ! For the ONE 3rd there is no answer given at all ! Absolutely hopeless. !!! oh, and my backup is too old to be of use - mea culpa, I know - <sigh> -
well I had a reply composed & ready to post but with one thing and another I must have delayed too long, I was logged out when I went to post. Another black mark for TomTom. A backup warning should have been popped up before the updates were applied. No use crying now, I'll do some research and buy another brand when my update subscription runs out.
the ONE 3rd does all I need but I miss those favorites, and if I knew where they all where, I wouldn't need a Tomtom in the first place ! And the website suggestions are rubbish - can't be done on some models; convert favorites to POI on others (that's a solution ? POI are too crowded to be used for favorites as well !) and in any case the ONE 3rd is excluded from this answer, and no answer is given
The ONE3rd is no different from others with regard to mapsettings.cfg nor setting up a custom POI called _Favorites. I do not understand the comment about clutter. Do as Mike suggests elsewhere and start the name with the underscore and it's always at the top of the list.

While having the mapsettings.cfg wiped during map updates is a royal pain the first time it happens to you, it need only happen once. Set up the favorite category as suggested and you'll never have to fool with it again.

I'm curious -- do you have any backups of your unit either via Home or your computer's own folder/file copy method?
If you want to retain favorites on a one 3rd, you can either abandon favorites and use POI categories, or do the workaround here. (If your device won't startup after following the steps in the link, then fix it by these steps).

Tomtom fixed this for all models launched in 2009 or later, but since software development was abandoned for the One 3rd edition (which was discontinued in 2007), this fix never made it to that model.

well I had a reply composed & ready to post but with one thing and another I must have delayed too long, I was logged out when I went to post. Another black mark for TomTom.

Just to clarify, tomtomforums.com is an independent forum of Tomtom customers. We are not affiliated with Tomtom.
deleted favorites still an issue, fix works with XL-350

Tomtom fixed this for all models launched in 2009 or later, but since software development was abandoned for the One 3rd edition (which was discontinued in 2007), this fix never made it to that model.

First of all, I want to thank everyone for posting the fix about pasting the old mapsettings.cfg file, it worked perfectly on my XL 350. Fortunately I had a recent, full explorer backup. The custom POIs that I downloaded were also missing, but I was able to copy those pretty easily.

I want to make it clear that this issue has certainly not been fixed. I have the latest home software, the latest maps, and an XL350TM, which I believe is a very recent model.

***begin rant***

I love the way my device functions on the road, but the updating process and customer service really are absurd. I emailed them recently and the response was so generic and scripted, I thought it was coming from a computer. They completely ignored my questions.

The fact that they don't even warn you anywhere in the product literature or on the website that you will lose your favorites, plus the fact that the website is not even updated with basic things like information about windows 7 and all current models(the XL 350 is not listed on the support form), indicate that they are putting very little effort into product support. Even worse, apparently the advertised mapshare feature didn't work for years with this model, until the latest map update(I've only had it for a few weeks, and mapshare just started working now).

Maybe all this BS is worth it for a device that works really well on the road, is very reasonably priced, and has 'lifetime' maps. I've never owned another gps so I really have nothing to compare it to. But the next time I'm in the market for a gps, I think I'm going to choose any reasonable alternative to this company.

***long rant over***
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First of all, I want to thank everyone for posting the fix about pasting the old mapsettings.cfg file, it worked perfectly on my XL 350. Fortunately I had a recent, full explorer backup. The custom POIs that I downloaded were also missing, but I was able to copy those pretty easily.
The first should never happen on a device with firmware 9.XXX. Yours has 9.XXX. It never shipped with anything earlier. So immediately my radar is scanning.

That your custom POI disappeared is a sign of something altogether different. Even with the old firmware, losing your POI during a map upgrade just didn't happen --- unless the map upgrade itself failed BADLY for some reason.

Although the loss of your favorites certainly isn't a first, I'd bet a very nice dinner that in your particular case, it is related to something other than what used to plague us on every map update with firmware 8.XXX and prior. It is very much ABNORMAL for this to occur during a successful map update with any device running 9.XXX code.
The first should never happen on a device with firmware 9.XXX.

It is very much ABNORMAL for this to occur during a successful map update with any device running 9.XXX code.

On both a Go940 and a Go950 (UK models), I have updated maps previously with no problem with the Mapsettings.cfg

However, on the update to v865 maps (no software update) I lost all POI view and warning settings on both machines. Other settings stored in MapSettings.cfg such as Home location and Favourites were unaffected.
...I lost all POI view and warning settings on both machines.
I've had that happen (rarely), but losing the enabled settings is a lot different that losing the POIs themselves! Then again, I wonder if that's what happened (de-enabled) and the OP just didn't realize it.
Mapsettings.cfg, copy & paste "live" TomTom ONE

I did as SuperModerator DHN recommended, discovered the endless loop as described.

So then I did one more thing different. With my TomTom ONE 2ed "on line", I copied the file to the Directory, then immediately while still in Home 2 went to the "Operate My ONE" section. Called up my FAVORITES (yay, still there and intact). I then planned a route to one of the FAVORITES (used the file looks like the charm).

After doing that, I selected the blue disconnect button (lower RIGHT Home 2 screen). I then let the TT One finish booting up. Checked my favorites again and they are still "good as gold".

Today I updated my "Fuel Stations" option. Different story!

Thanks to all who participated!

Bob :cool:
First off, f*** tomtom for not making the favorites file a simple fu***** text file (XML??) /blows of steam :mad:

I've tried every damn combination of copying my backed up MapSettings.cfg (10KB) file to my 920 GO.
When I go to operate my tomtom, the Manage Favorites is disabled (greyed out), once I stop operating my tomtom, the MapSettings.cfg file get's reset (to 2KB).

First off, f*** tomtom for not making the favorites file a simple fu***** text file (XML??) /blows of steam :mad:

To be fair, they HAVE now made it a standard POI file in the new models.

I've tried every damn combination of copying my backed up MapSettings.cfg (10KB) file to my 920 GO.

Have you tried opening the MapSettings.cfg file in POIEdit? (free download from PoiEdit - Main)

You'll find all your favourites listed, plus a load of other places - recent destinations, Home location etc.

Delete the ones you don't want, and save it as a POI file which you can load back onto the TomTom.

Then you can either convert the entries back to Favourites using the menus, or just leave it as a POI category (much safer and easier to transport from one device to another).

If you call the POI file something like "_MyFavs" then the underscore at the front will put it right at the top of the alphabetical list, for ease of choosing.
Or in the TomTom Home app, Just select Operate my TomTom or whatever it is and just select a favorite, rename it and save it then rename it back to the original name and save it again. Work for me every time and takes all of 2 minutes.

I dont know why TomTom has not fixed this annoying bug but the fix is simple.
Hello ... new victim of the "update your map and lose your favorites" club here. Thanks to this thread, I learnt to copy the mapsettings.cfg file. Kudos to this community resource, and shame on TomTom for failing to fix this problem. (This is the 2nd time I lose the favorites, and the first time I didn't know any better than to re-enter everything.) FWIW, this happened on my XXL 540 WTE.
It's worth taking the time now Axtremus to convert your Favourites to an.ov2 POI file as well.

The ov2 format is much more portable and has always remained compatible through every software and hardware revision.

There are a couple of ways to do it....

1. You can do it manually using the TT menus.

Create a new POI category using the Manage POIs menu.
then go to Browse map, use "Find" to locate the first Favourite, then use the blue cursor button to save it as a new POI. Repeat for each Favourite

or 2. You can open the MapSettings.cfg file in a program such as POIEdit.
that will reveal all your recent destinations and Home location as well as your favourites.
Just delete the ones you don't want and save the rest as a n ov2 file.

One good tip is to call the POI file "_Favourites" as the "_" underscore character forces it to the top of the alphabetical category lists.
Thank you, Andy_P, for your suggestion.

POIEdit, while seems useful, does not seem to come in a Mac-compatible flavor ... so I will put that aside for the time being.

I have created a new POI category and added all my Favorites into that POI category. I shall keep duplicate copies of that on my computers for future use.

That said ... I have recently acquired an additional TomTom device, the VIA1505TM. That device does not seem to present itself as a storage device when connected to a computer, so it doesn't seem I can just drop a file onto it and expect my favorites to show up on the VIA1505. (It doesn't even work with TomTom Home software, but requires the MyTomTom Support Application.)

Any idea how I might be able to transfer by list of favorites to the VIA1505TM ?

Thanks in advance.

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