Favorites restore question.

Talk about going from the frying pan into the fire, and then jumping back into the frying pan! At least now I know I'm not crazy -- that it *did* work for a brief, shining moment, before it went back to its old behavior.
You guys seem to have a lot of hassle of retaining the Favorites, eh.
I'm constantly moving up every released maps as well as NC and all I've done is just simply copy the .cfg file over (into the new map folder) and I don't get any problem at all.
You guys seem to have a lot of hassle of retaining the Favorites, eh.
I'm constantly moving up every released maps as well as NC and all I've done is just simply copy the .cfg file over (into the new map folder) and I don't get any problem at all.

Same here. I did have a problem once but I just went to navigate my tomtom in tomtom home and edited a favorite and then all was good. :D
What is wrong with TomTom that we have to go through this exercise four times a year to update maps? Good grief.
What is wrong with TomTom that we have to go through this exercise four times a year to update maps? Good grief.

That's why Tomtom fixed it, just only on app 9.022 that's only available on their newest models.
That's great for new customers, but they're shooting themselves in the foot by not taking care of existing customers as well. Where do they thing new customers come from, anyway?

When I bought my daughter's GPS, I had two choices -- there was a cheap Magellan, and a nearly-as-cheap TomTom. Both were in the $70 range (though for the TomTom I'd have to send in a rebate). I'm patient enough for a rebate, so basically it was a choice between the brands.

I don't really like her Magellan GPS. The interface feels clunky and the maps aren't drawn as nicely. But she doesn't really care about those things -- she just wants to get from point A to point B. If it weren't for my bad experience, she'd have a TomTom.

I'm cheap and picky. I'm a pain in the butt. But TomTom ignores annoying customers like me at its own peril. Because we're the ones that people come to and ask, "Hey, you're cheap and picky, which GPS do you like?"

Oh, well... enough ranting. This thread (and forum) are too valuable to clutter up with my complaining! Because the thing is, I'm still keeping my TomTom -- I can handle the tweaking. I just want them to still be around in another couple of years.
Just confirming that the process still works -- I had to do it again for the quarterly map upgrade. At this point, I've kinda gotten used to it. Besides, the maps on my daughter's Magellan are so *ugly* compared to TomTom's maps! :)

(Mods, it still seems like this ought to be a sticky somewhere, since it affects everyone, every three months or so. Sorry if it's already stickied somewhere and I was just too lazy to find it!)
I took a lool today and you can add a Poi group called Favorites. Then you go to add poi, and add each favorite to the POI group. One the are all added they will be preserved through map updates.

Well Favoites and kept in the NOrth American maps under a file called Mapsettings.cfg. You have to find a copy of your old North American maps double click to go into the tom tom folder. Click on NORth American Maps. And in this folder find mapsettings.cfg. right click on this file and left click and copy. Then go to the new downloaded North American Map Go into this folder and then right click and left click paste and overwrite file. Good luck

Hey there,

I've got a TomTom GO 920(T), and I'm experiencing the exact same problem. Holy cr*p you'd think they would fix this already!!!! I've lost everything. :mad:

I was able to find the "mapsettings.cfg" in my backup; and by "backup" I mean I copied the folder contents from the TomTom prior to the update and manually copied it to my hard drive. I did not use the Backup and Restore feature built into the Home software.

But where exactly do I paste this file??? What is the file path to my "new downloaded North American Map"???
When I view the contents of my TomTom via Windows explorer, I get the following folders :

  • Art
  • ASR
  • audiobooks
  • bin
  • contacts
  • demo
  • ephem
  • fleetecd
  • gns
  • helpme
  • home images
  • itn
  • licenses
  • Logging
  • LoquendoTTS
  • mp3
  • partial_updates
  • phone_database
  • photos
  • program
  • raster
  • rdstmc
  • schemes
  • script
  • sounds
  • statdata
  • text
  • TomTom HOME Install.app
  • TomTom-Cfg
  • voices
  • zip

Where exactly do I paste this file? BTW, I don't know if it'll help but my map version is now : North_America v850.2781 and my App version is : 8.351.

Somebody please help!!!
MapSettings.cfg lives in the North America map folder which doesn't appear to be listed in your device contents?? - Mike
All I can think of is that Home has downloaded your new map to the PC but as yet it hasn't installed it to the device, in fact with the folders you have listed there are no maps on the device at all so when you switch it on disconnected from the computer I would expect the screen to say "No Map Found" - Mike

All I can think of is that Home has downloaded your new map to the PC but as yet it hasn't installed it to the device, in fact with the folders you have listed there are no maps on the device at all so when you switch it on disconnected from the computer I would expect the screen to say "No Map Found" - Mike

I have no idea what you're talking about; you lost me on that concept (sorry). :confused:

If I'm correctly understanding what you're saying (which I doubt), that means when I turn my GPS device on it won't work. If that's what you meant, then you're wrong. My GPS works. The map version number I listed previously (and the App. version as well) came from me powering on my device (while it was NOT connected to my PC) and tapping the screen. And as far as I can tell, both my map and app. version are the latest.

Am I wrong?:confused:
Mike was commenting on your post saying that you couldn't find a mapsettings.cfg file on your unit. He was surmising that the only way that could be was if the map didn't install properly since the unit would not boot up properly.

Since you say yours does seem to work, then check again in the specific map folder of your unit. Use Explorer. The file mapsettings.cfg HAS to be there, contrary to what you said in your previous post.

Mike was commenting on your post saying that you couldn't find a mapsettings.cfg file on your unit. He was surmising that the only way that could be was if the map didn't install properly since the unit would not boot up properly.

Since you say yours does seem to work, then check again in the specific map folder of your unit. Use Explorer. The file mapsettings.cfg HAS to be there, contrary to what you said in your previous post.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh..........I think I know what's going on here. I think I may have made a slight (but important) omission from my original post. I just realized it now though. :eek:

The folder listing(s) I gave earlier were from my TomTom unit itself. The TomTom unit no longer has a map on it. Instead, my map is on the SD card.

But I had assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that if the SD card (where the map is located) was in the TomTom slot, the SD card unit's info would appear under the TomTom unit because the SD card does not show up in explorer. After all, why would it? It's in the TomTom.

Think this might be it? If that's the case, I'll take the SD card out and put it into the reader and copy the info. that way.

You should be able to see both the TomTom internal memory as one "drive", and your SD card as a separate "drive". Look closely at the "My Computer" (or whatever you've got for your particular PC to view drives). They should both show up.
You should be able to see both the TomTom internal memory as one "drive", and your SD card as a separate "drive". Look closely at the "My Computer" (or whatever you've got for your particular PC to view drives). They should both show up.

I'll look at that tonight when I'm at home (I'm at work right now). I just focused on the TomTom icon (the unit itself). I never thought to look for the media icon (which could very well be there as well). I just never noticed it because I wan't especially looking for it.

Either way, even if it doesn't show up I'll pop the SD Card and put it into my PC's card reader and see if I can find the North American Maps folder. Hopefully that'll resolve this issue.

I'll keep you all posted. :cool:

....I copied the file over from my backup to the memory card (where my North America map is) and it STILL didn't work.

This is starting to suck the big one. Oh well....I'll just start plugging those entries back in. :eek:
Thanks for this!

Much to my relief I found a backup of my mapsetting.cfg, didn't think of backing up before updating the map (silly me, for years I've been using computers and should have thought about the possibility of losing something!)

Copied it over and then started up Home, added an arbitrary Fav. named "delete" which was deleted promptly after disconnecting...

Thanks to all who contributed to this thread!

Remember: Always backup before doing anything dangerous! :p

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