Deadline for Maps Upgrade April 15

they should at least send you a confo e-mail when you submit.

I did, actually got two. The first was the order email and the second was a confirmation 'out-of-office' reply from TomTom approx. 1 min after the order email.

The confirmation email looks like this:

Subject Line: Out of Office AutoReply: Item #9A00.085 - Notification of Payment Received from xxxx ([email protected])

From: USMapUpdate2006 [[email protected]]

Thank you for ordering new maps of the US and Canada from TomTom. Your order will be processed as soon as possible. You should receive your new map software in 3 to 4 weeks and will receive another e-mail from us when your product ships.

Please note that TomTom is not monitoring this mailbox. If you have any questions about your new maps please call TomTom Customer Support at (866) 486-6866 or e-mail us by logging into your MyTomTom account at

Please visit if you are looking for detailed instructions to install your new maps.


Now I never got the email about my maps being shipped but I did recieve it in about 2 weeks (which for Canada is fast...btw, I'm still waiting for my order from Dell made in JANUARY. They told me its back ordered blah blah blah).
Just got off the phone with TT support and was inquiring about my map that I ordered on the 19th in hopes of getting by this Saturday. I was told (nicely BTW) that they are currently out of maps and the wait would be longer than the 3-4 weeks listed on the website. I guess I'll get my new map by May 1st if I'm lucky :(
Yikes! Hopefully they'll remedy this situation asap and you won't be waiting too long.
Just got off the phone with TT support and was inquiring about my map that I ordered on the 19th in hopes of getting by this Saturday. I was told (nicely BTW) that they are currently out of maps and the wait would be longer than the 3-4 weeks listed on the website. I guess I'll get my new map by May 1st if I'm lucky :(
YES!! I guess I made it under the DVD was in my mailbox when I got home tonight. Hopefully the rep I spoke to was mistaken and all maps will arrive this quickly.

And to add icing to the cake, my 2 gig card also arrived today so I'll be hooking everything up to the map install sticky I go.
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YES!! I guess I made it under the DVD was in my mailbox when I got home tonight. Hopefully the rep I spoke to was mistaken and all maps will arrive this quickly.

And to add icing to the cake, my 2 gig card also arrived today so I'll be hooking everything up to the map install sticky I go.

BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP....before you do anythign else!!!
hi i'm new

Hi I'm a new TomTom Owner. I just bought the TomTom ONE last week and was seeking guidance of some sort :) I chose the ONE b/c of the reviews I read from GPSLodge which mentioned something about updates as well.

I'm a noob when it comes to GPS systems, but I was wondering if I needed to buy these Map updates since I bought the ONE fairly recently (on Saturday, March 24th). I let my friend use it for the next couple of weeks so I won't be able to tell if it has the new Maps and Updates and wont be getting it back until two weeks from now. I havent even actually used the device yet myself.

I can always ask my friend to connect it to their laptop to see if it had the updates, but what exactly would I be looking for? A certain version number of the map? Where would this be located? And how would I go about viewing it?

Thank you so much! Hope you can help!
This has been asked, you can do a quick search and find the answer. But basically, yes, you need to order the new maps. Check your version, if it's not 665.1217 it's not the latest.

Welcome to the forums!
Check your map version to be sure, but I bet you need to update... if you don't PLEASE let us know... if you do need to update... follow the info in my signature. (and obviously in this thread)
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upgrading is too important.
Update your map plz.
If you bought your TT ONE in last month and think that it has the newest map,
this forum would HIGHLY RECOMMAND rechecking your map version and
ORDER your new map, thanks. :)
I've said it before... I'\ll say it again.... it's also a GREAT way to keep a "hard copy" of the map files you own.... and not rely completely on your backups.
How true this is.... it's exactly what I thought whey I got my DVD. :)

But for 910 owners, BACKUP your TTS voice files!
I bought my TomTom One on March 13th and the maps were not the latest. I spent the $6 and upgraded to the latest maps. I was surprised by how much map data is on the CD.

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