Deadline for Maps Upgrade April 15

I'm wondering after this expires... you'd think all new TTs will come preloaded with these new maps.
I'm wondering after this expires... you'd think all new TTs will come preloaded with these new maps.

Seems like there will be a lot of stock in stores still that have the older version after the deadline. I would hate to be the guy buying one in April....... finding out you have to pay a lot more to get the latest maps.
This is why I post evey day... this ends up being a recent post and anyone searching for TomTom stuff ends up on this site. The thread is in News so hopefully will be something a researcher looks at and lets them know they have a limited timeframe.
well, Dell is hosing me saying that it will be at least another 10 days before I get my ONE. So what you're saying is that if I get the ONE after 3/31, I'll have to buck up for the new maps in full, correct?

Might have to cancel and just go down to Best Buy and pay full shot. I've already wasted 3 weeks waiting, not worth the $50 bucks I'm saving via Dell.
Why don't you communicate with them and ask them to hurry up, or at least to confirm what maps version do the units they sell have?
Why don't you communicate with them and ask them to hurry up, or at least to confirm what maps version do the units they sell have?

I did, but they don't even have them in stock, on backorder. New date was 4/4 ( i ordered on 3/3) so I told them to forget it. I'll have to buy retail, which is fine. I was hoping for a deal, though.

Was also hoping for v3, but v2 will also suffice.
v3 won't be out for a while in the states.... Talk to TomTom Support, see if they can allow your order of the Maps before you get yoru device... tell them it's on backorder. They might take your order number... who knows?!
My guess is TT set that deadline to give themselves time to begin installing the new maps on new units. So if you purchase AFTER the deadline, my guess would be that the newly purchased unit comes preinstalled with the new maps already.

But the thing to consider is.... the ONE comes with USA/Canada maps, and many people here who've received the dvd upgrade have chosen to install the full North America map onto their ONE. You will not have this option once the ONE begins shipping with the new maps.
My guess is TT set that deadline to give themselves time to begin installing the new maps on new units. So if you purchase AFTER the deadline, my guess would be that the newly purchased unit comes preinstalled with the new maps already.
Not for the ones still out on supplier circulation!!!

but then... that might be why truth's is on back order....hmmmm
Yep, exactly what I was getting at, it's becoming harder and harder to find a ONE in stock. But for those that do get them, ORDER YOUR MAPS!
They do, it takes 2 weeks though. :D

I got my maps in the mail BEFORE I got my confirmation email.
LOL - right! I do remember getting a confirmation that the $6 was taken from my paypal account. But I distinctly remember having the maps in hand before getting my confirmation email from TT. Crazy! I wasn't the only one, either...

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