Cannot download Tomtom to my desktop

When it downloads and you click 'run', what happens? Nothing?

You have to have Microsoft's dot net installed for it to work.
When I click Run, this is what I see...

Run As
Which user account do you want to use to run this program.

The following are selected...
"Current User (Acer...)
Protect my computer and data from unauthorized program activity - this option can prevent computer viruses."

Then I have the option of de-selecting current user and selecting "Administrator" which calls for a password which I do not have.:confused:

I appreciate your help.
If you are the sole user on an XP machine, I thought you were administrator by default.

What happens if you try to run as current user? Or as admin and leave password empty?
Yes, I am the sole and only user of my Acer Desktop which I have had for about four years -- also, I am a Senior and would appreciate easy to follow instructions as I am not tech-Savy.

When I try to "run as" myself, nothing happens.

When I try to "run as" Administratior, I get the following message

Unable to Logon
Logon Failure: User Account Restriction
Possible reasons, blank password not allowed, logon hour restriction or policy restriction.
This Microsoft page
Log on as an administrator has some more details on how to log on using the special built-in administrator account.

Hopefully no-one has set a password for it!

If you can gain access that way, I would suggest you use it to editt your normal login to be an administrator account too.
I am truly not very skilled at the "ins and outs" of how a computer works and I fear this may be too technical for me and I do not want to mess anything up which I will not be able to fix.:confused:
Sorry, but I forgot to include the following in my last message. I have called the Customer Service Phone at TomTom and they couldn't help. They told me to go to another desktop to download and install TomTom but I do not have access to another desktop.

TomTom worked fine before I did the system restore to factory settings so evidently something was left out during the restore process. If there is someone who has a better understanding of how Windows XP works and who has the patience to deal with a Senior, I would be deeply grateful.:confused:
DO please try the admin log in, it's not scary.

All that is happening is that you have got the PC set to allow you only limited access.

As that page I linked to says
Limited accounts are called that because they are limited?you can?t install software or change certain computer settings when you?re logged on with a limited account. That?s great if you?re creating an account for your kids and you don?t want them making any changes to your computer. But sometimes you need the unrestricted access a computer administrator account provides.

Most people I know set themselves up as an administrator user right from day one and never change it.
Thanks, but I looked at what you suggested and I see that I am the Computer Administrator, so I really don't know where to go from here. I checked the other option and it reads "limited account".:confused:
Let's go to where your problem originally started.

1. Have you been able to install any software since you restored your system?

2. Did you use the Windows XP system restore or did you use something from Acer that puts all brand new software on the system?

The reason for asking is that it doesn't seem to be a problem with the TomTom Home software but looks to be system level.
I really believe you are correct in that something was lost when I did the system restore to factory settings. To do the system restore, I used the backup CD's that I made when I initially acquired the Acer desktop back in 2006. I have installed other software (Weight Watchers). I have the computer set to do automatic updates daily. I am puzzled and frustrated and would love to get this corrected. Thanks in advance for any help, as it is greatly appreciated.
Ok, lets take a look at something before going any farther.

Go to > My Computer > Control Panel > System

That will bring up a System Properties window.

In that window it tells us a little bit about WinXP, listed under System. What Service Pack does it say you have?

Or you can just type winver in the > Start > Run box and click OK

I'm leaning toward needing to install Service Pack 3 , Service Pack 2 was a little buggy with executable files.
Also try the following before going any farther, I copied it from your previous post

Box was checked. Current user (Acer 14219167C5\Maureen) Leave this box checked

Box checked. Protect my computer and data from unauthorized activity. Uncheck this box

Then try to run the install, this one is just for the heck of it after reading the prior posts.
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Ok, I unchecked box "protect my computer" and then nothing happens which I try to proceed.

I went to System and I have Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 2002 Service Pack 3.

I downloaded dotnet from the link provided and tried to proceed with no luck.

Incidentally, tomtom did not download to my desktop. I found it after I installed.:confused:
Sorry... lots of boring techy questions....

I downloaded dotnet from the link provided and tried to proceed with no luck.

Tried to proceed with what?
Was the file you downloaded called "dotNetFx40_Full_setup.exe"?
Did that install OK?
Did you uninstall any previous versions you might have had before you installed it?

Incidentally, tomtom did not download to my desktop. I found it after I installed.:confused:

Not sure what you're saying here....
Can you be a bit more specific about the names of things - just to make it easier for us to work out what's going on.

There is a program called "TomTom Home", and there is a different program called "MyTomTom", but as far as I know, there is nothing called just "TomTom" for the PC.

Which did you install? Or did you just download the "installer program" and haven't actually installed anything maybe?
Ok, I unchecked box "protect my computer" and then nothing happens which I try to proceed.

Ok, that was just to make sure that was tried as it didn't seem to have been.

I went to system and I have Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 2002 Service Pack 3.

Ok, so that's not the problem either.

I downloaded dotnet from the link provided and tried to proceed with no luck.

Not sure about this one.

Incidentally, tomtom did not download to my desktop. I found it after I installed.

If the TT Home install program is old then get rid of it and
you can try downloading the TT install program from TT and save it to the desktop and try it from there.

Download the TT Home install program from here and save it to the desktop and try to install again.

If that does not work then at least we know there is a fresh copy of the install program to work with.
I am shocked (pleasingly) but I think I am now in business. I went to Microsoft Windows Update and it said that I had all of the updates already installed, well, then I did some type of analysis at their website and it said there were 8 optional software updates which I could download and install. I was a bit reluctant to do this because I am so computer illerate but I downloaded the 8 optional software updates and low and behold, I clicked on TomTom on my desktop and it installed for me. THANK YOU ALL SO SO SO VERY MUCH!:):)

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