Built in SIM cards

If you search on the internet there are still GPS with SIM cards available for sale
(example GO 5200 GO 6200 GO premium X)
I have just received this email from TomTom so the models with SIM cards currently working may not work in the future if the owner doesn't renew Traffic updates is how I understand it.
"We would like to inform you that if TomTom Traffic is not renewed within 15 days, the support for the built-in SIM providing unlimited data will be discontinued.
Once the built-in SIM is deactivated it can not be re-activated, however you will be able to receive TomTom Traffic in the future by connecting your TomTom GO Professional 6200 to your smartphone via Bluetooth® wireless technology. You can find instructions on setting up your Bluetooth connection here."
I have just received this email from TomTom so the models with SIM cards currently working may not work in the future if the owner doesn't renew Traffic updates is how I understand it.
"We would like to inform you that if TomTom Traffic is not renewed within 15 days, the support for the built-in SIM providing unlimited data will be discontinued.
Once the built-in SIM is deactivated it can not be re-activated, however you will be able to receive TomTom Traffic in the future by connecting your TomTom GO Professional 6200 to your smartphone via Bluetooth® wireless technology. You can find instructions on setting up your Bluetooth connection here."
It is well known that Tomtom sends emails to everyone, even to those who are not dismayed.

Several conditions for your SIM card to be deactivated.
You no longer connect your GPS to your account to update the maps.

You go more than 18 months without logging in.

the other condition independent of Tomtom is if your telephone operator removes 2G.
I have just received this email from TomTom so the models with SIM cards currently working may not work in the future if the owner doesn't renew Traffic updates is how I understand it.
"We would like to inform you that if TomTom Traffic is not renewed within 15 days, the support for the built-in SIM providing unlimited data will be discontinued.
Once the built-in SIM is deactivated it can not be re-activated, however you will be able to receive TomTom Traffic in the future by connecting your TomTom GO Professional 6200 to your smartphone via Bluetooth® wireless technology. You can find instructions on setting up your Bluetooth connection here."
Noted! Thanks for the information, BridgeW.
Please make sure the eMail came from TomTom.com, not from a hotmail acccout as some Dutch and German users reported.


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I am told that TomTom no longer sells Satnavs with built in SIM cards. This means that TomTom customers have to have Smartphones turned on and consuming data all the time they are using a TomTom device with TomTom services such as Traffic. This seems astonishing. Is it true? Does anyone know of a current TomTom Satnav that does have a built in SIM card so that it works without a Smartphone? If not, does anyone know of any manufacturer of Satnavs that does not require a Smartphone to be running in parallel?
This is how TomTom informs naive customers, and the truth is that after many difficulties I connected my smartphone with navigation. I have never heard any announcement that I should receive about traffic jams, route closures, and my driving should be monitored live. TomTom is a scam company that promises services that are not available.
This is how TomTom informs naive customers, and the truth is that after many difficulties I connected my smartphone with navigation. I have never heard any announcement that I should receive about traffic jams, route closures, and my driving should be monitored live. TomTom is a scam company that promises services that are not available.
1) The recent emails floating around are NOT from TomTom. TomTom doesn't use Hotmail addresses.
2) I would recommend you consider using WiFi rather than Bluetooth for your connection. Much simpler.
3) You're saying you've never had traffic data on your device? ("I have never heard any announcement...") You have one of the GO Classic models according to your profile. That could be a very recent model or an older one (they re-used the name several times). The oldest one started with serial B1 and is many years old, but that won't be the one you have - no phone connection. The next older models started with G3, G4 and G5. The next older models had serial numbers starting with X5, X6, X7 and X8. The most recent start with A1 and A2. The more recent come with traffic subscriptions.
4) I note that you are in Poland. TomTom definitely supports traffic in Poland.
5) Your general real-time driving information, which is anonymized per EU law, is necessary in order for TomTom to give you traffic data appropriate to where you are and where you are going. You don't expect them to give your device traffic data for the entire world, do you?

So rather than talking about a "scam" company, why don't you identify the first two characters of your GO Classic's serial number so we can figure out which one you've got so we can help you sort your issue rather than just complaining about it? That's what we do here.
Please make sure the eMail came from TomTom.com, not from a hotmail acccout as some Dutch and German users reported.
Thanks for highlighting this but is email sent from address "TomTom <(e-mail address removed)>" legitimate/genuine?

Tomtom Go Professional 6200 requires a Traffic and Radar subscription so if you do not renew your subscription after 18 months your SIM card is deactivated by the operator.
I stand to be corrected but the TomTom Sim cards are connected to 3G in the UK

Most if not all of the mobile phone providers are turning off 3G

In my area Greater Manchester that has already taken place and only 4G and 5G is now available

I suspect that is why TomTom have taken out the SIM card and now have to connect to mobile phones that are 4G and 5G capable
I stand to be corrected but the TomTom Sim cards are connected to 3G in the UK

Most if not all of the mobile phone providers are turning off 3G

In my area Greater Manchester that has already taken place and only 4G and 5G is now available

I suspect that is why TomTom have taken out the SIM card and now have to connect to mobile phones that are 4G and 5G capable
No, Tomtom GPS devices are only compatible with 2G.
I stand to be corrected but the TomTom Sim cards are connected to 3G in the UK

Most if not all of the mobile phone providers are turning off 3G

In my area Greater Manchester that has already taken place and only 4G and 5G is now available

I suspect that is why TomTom have taken out the SIM card and now have to connect to mobile phones that are 4G and 5G capable
Yes, I think TomTom gave up chasing the cellular technology, just as you say.
No, Tomtom GPS devices are only compatible with 2G.
Depends upon the model.
Units like the 6200 used GPRS, but Bridge was a 2G / 3G device.
Of course, neither will help where neither is still available.
1) Ostatnie e-maile krążące dookoła NIE pochodzą od TomTom. TomTom nie używa adresów Hotmail.
2) Zalecałbym rozważenie użycia WiFi zamiast Bluetooth do połączenia. Znacznie prostsze.
3) Twierdzisz, że nigdy nie miałeś danych o ruchu na swoim urządzeniu? („Nigdy nie słyszałem żadnego ogłoszenia...”) Masz jeden z modeli GO Classic według swojego profilu. Może to być bardzo nowy model lub starszy (nazwa była używana kilkakrotnie). Najstarszy zaczynał się od numeru seryjnego B1 i ma wiele lat, ale to nie będzie ten, który masz — brak połączenia telefonicznego. Następne starsze modele zaczynały się od G3, G4 i G5. Następne starsze modele miały numery seryjne zaczynające się od X5, X6, X7 i X8. Najnowsze zaczynają się od A1 i A2. Nowsze modele mają subskrypcje ruchu.
4) Zauważam, że jesteś w Polsce. TomTom zdecydowanie obsługuje ruch uliczny w Polsce.
5) Twoje ogólne informacje o jeździe w czasie rzeczywistym, które są anonimizowane zgodnie z prawem UE, są niezbędne, aby TomTom mógł przekazać Ci dane o ruchu drogowym odpowiednie do miejsca, w którym się znajdujesz i dokąd zmierzasz . Nie oczekujesz chyba, że przekażą Twojemu urządzeniu dane o ruchu drogowym dla całego świata, prawda?

Więc zamiast mówić o firmie „oszustwo”, dlaczego nie zidentyfikujesz pierwszych dwóch znaków numeru seryjnego swojego GO Classic, abyśmy mogli ustalić, który masz, i pomóc ci rozwiązać problem, zamiast po prostu narzekać? To właśnie robimy tutaj.
I had problems initially connecting my smartphone to the device, but that's the past and as I wrote I never heard any Traffic and Live service information.
My device is TomTom GO Basic
X61432T00612 When I bought this device I was assured that there was a lifetime map update and a lifetime subscription to Traffic and Live services, and now you're telling me that I should buy a subscription? and it's not a scam?
I had problems initially connecting my smartphone to the device, but that's the past and as I wrote I never heard any Traffic and Live service information.
My device is TomTom GO Basic
X61432T00612 When I bought this device I was assured that there was a lifetime map update and a lifetime subscription to Traffic and Live services, and now you're telling me that I should buy a subscription? and it's not a scam?
Maps are lifetime, traffic is lifetime, radar alerts are a 3 month free trial after which you have to buy a subscription.
OK. Let's start with that X6 serial number. Yes, that would be a 6" device called a GO Comfort (North America), or a GO Basic or Classic (Europe) depending upon the market in which it was sold.

You do indeed have lifetime map updates for that device. It's got 16GB of memory, so you're in good shape there. Have you tried to update and have been unsuccessful?

That device was released a long time ago, so I'm having to do a bit of a search to see what the advertising claimed came with it for subscriptions. I see a few of your device are available for sale in Europe, and I see a clear mention of lifetime traffic subscriptions associated with them:

I did not say you needed to buy a subscription, and yes, I am saying that the email you received from hotmail was a scam.

So you have a subscription by default - it will be a matter of getting you connected properly!

Let's start with this part again: Have you agreed in the opening screen to share information with TomTom or not? If not, and again, it has no idea where you are, and will not send you traffic data for the entire world. If you want traffic, and you previously declined to provide that information on initial start-up, do a Factory Reset, and this time, answer YES. Then we'll get you connected via WiFi to your phone and get this working. Of course, that assumes that your cellular provider will let you use your phone for WiFi tethering under your current plan.

You can, of course, test the traffic situation with a home WiFi router or other WiFi source, so we can experiment with that, first, to make sure things are actually working.
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If you search on the internet there are still GPS with SIM cards available for sale
(example GO 5200 GO 6200 GO premium X)
I have just been told by email from tom tom that my 6200 model with sim card built in will soon only be able to update by smartphone they are switching the sim card off so guess no tom tom will work without a smartphone from next year
I have just been told by email from tom tom that my 6200 model with sim card built in will soon only be able to update by smartphone they are switching the sim card off so guess no tom tom will work without a smartphone from next year
Ignore this message, this is a Tomtom error.
As long as 2G is available in your country, the SIM card cannot be deactivated.
I am told that TomTom no longer sells Satnavs with built in SIM cards. This means that TomTom customers have to have Smartphones turned on and consuming data all the time they are using a TomTom device with TomTom services such as Traffic. This seems astonishing. Is it true? Does anyone know of a current TomTom Satnav that does have a built in SIM card so that it works without a Smartphone? If not, does anyone know of any manufacturer of Satnavs that does not require a Smartphone to be running in parallel?
I got an email today, that TomTom will no longer support the built-in Simcard of my GO5200. I think that is ridiculous. Why delete the key feature of a device that works great? (Yeah money of course, but what about clientservice?). They offered lifetime traffic updates via the Simcard, and now they stop it. I am very annoyed!!

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