United Arab Emirates Mapping

Apr 13, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
Go 720
Have been considering buying the map for the UAE and downloading to my Go 720... Can’t understand why this map is so small in data size but costs so much! Can anyone shed some light on why the cost is so much? Was just thinking of buying a brand new a Garmin when i go over as they are pretty cheap to purchase hate getting ripped off
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Supply and Demand.

For example, the New Zealand map is quite small as well..... but costs alot.
Would i be correct in saying that Tom Tom units are not on sale in the UAE ....tried a few stores and always Garmin units on show ..
Well TomTom another customer lost ...simple to pricey to warrent the cost of 1 map ...Will just spend a little extra and buy a new GARMIN when im over
You'll find that Garmin isn't any easier on your pocket when it comes to maps that are high in development cost and low in demand.
Yes i take on board what you’re saying! But it’s simply down to principle hate the lets rip you brigade. For a little more out lay can get a basic Garmin bough in Dubai which will be brand new as my 720 is now a few years old and up to date mapping ...At the most for a map from Tom Tom they should cost no more than £40 Uk ..Anymore and ripping you of. So its Dubai here i come
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It's not a bad strategy. As an example, we've had people with really old units consider bringing them from Europe to the U.S., and sometimes, it's worth it to them to look at a new unit after they arrive here to update the unit and get the maps all in one shot.

I'd be surprised if you didn't spot new TT units somewhere in the UAE, though.
Will have a good look when im next over but certainly not paying near enough £90 for 1 map ....the most expensive map on the system is this because it’s from an oil rich country and teaming with cash ...Tom Tom cashing in i say ...well not from my pocket it’s not
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What does the GDP of the country have to do with the price of the map? Again, you have a map that is expensive to produce and keep updated and a VERY small audience for it.

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