TomTom GO 550 LIVE - United Kingdom - Map Issues

May 30, 2010
Glasgow, Scotland, UK
TomTom Model(s)
Hello fellow TomTom users... it's me again! :eek:

I've got a TomTom GO 550 LIVE which is just over a month old now. I've started to notice that the TomTom always seems to lag behind my actual position on the map. It shows me where I was a few seconds ago and instructs me to turn a corner when I'm actually just completing the turn. I hadn't noticed this particular lag initially but it's caught my attention since I did the latest map guarantee and upgraded to the most recent map (850).

Furthermore, while I've been out doing a delivery job, I've been making corrections such as adding missing roundabouts, etc... unfortunately, last night I noticed that several of the new roundabouts I've added in were inexplicably absent from my map - so I've had to start adding them in all over again, which is very frustrating! I haven't been connecting the TomTom to the computer too regularly, so does the unit forget these corrections after a set period of time if you don't connect to the PC quickly enough?

All the best,
How many POI categories have you got set to be visible on the navigation screen as this slows the display refresh rate down and is often responsible for a position lag on the screen, note you might not have enabled them, the device might have done so of its own accord! - Check which POI files are listed as visible, and turn them all off.

Map Share changes are map specific so when you updated to the V850 map all your old corrections will have gone, replaced with a new map containing no corrections made by you - Mike

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