Help finding my TomTom One version, please!

Sep 6, 2007
Hey guys,

So I just bought a TomTom One yesterday, and earlier today I called support to inquire about what version mine was. The lady told me I had a version 1, but I don't think she's correct. Here's the info on my device:

Part #: 5N00.180
On the bottom of the device itself, it says: 4N00.004.2

I have no internal memory; everything came preloaded on an SD card.

The map version is 6.60, which is quite old. TomTom irritatingly would not budge as to whether they could update the maps. I am thinking of returning this, especially if it's a version 1.

Thank you for the help!
Sounds to me like you have v2. I think that this is a better unit than the v3, whose built-in memory is limited by it's 1 gb size.

And map v6.60 is not that old. If you read the forum, many people are unhappy with the newest map, v6.65 (strange routing) and some have switched back to v6.60.
Thanks a lot for all the help, guys. So you think I should just hang onto it?

I have done a bit of research and I have a couple more questions about it... If and when Navcore 7 is released for the TomTom One v2, is it worth an update then? And do you think it'll actually be released for this device? I honestly don't know nearly enough about it.

It's no big deal, but the POI database and the maps of the Louisville, KY area are pretty badly out of date, so I'd love to update at some point if possible... but I want to make sure it's worth my money.

Thanks again!
There is likely going to be a huge update within the next few days, and with that you will want to purchase the 704x series of maps so you can enable mapshare. hold out till then to purchase a map
There is likely going to be a huge update within the next few days, and with that you will want to purchase the 704x series of maps so you can enable mapshare. hold out till then to purchase a map
You guys have been extremely helpful. If anyone has any more advice, I'd love to hear it, but for now, you've set my mind at ease.

Thanks again everyone!
Hey guys, I've actually got just one more question. Should I expect to see Navcore 7 on the TomTom One v2? It sounds like quite a worthwhile update (at least, once the kinks are ironed out), and I'm hoping I can look forward to it in the future, even if it requires a purchase (which I'm sure it does). y0bailey mentioned above that I should expect a big update soon; is this what he was referring to?

Thanks digital. Mine starts with an E. :(

I just read another thread about how we'll have to purchase new maps to use Mapshare and all that. I wonder if it's worth it...
I just got a V2 - the one with an SD card slot but 1 gig of memory with maps loaded internally and the serial # starts with a Z. I was able to update to Home version 2 and navcore 7. My device appears to have options to use mapshare but the home2 says it's not available for my device.

I've only had about 30 mins to play with it so it might be able to do mapshare. Still deciding on if i want ot keep this or the V3 that i picked up from walmart that's sitting there unopened on my desk.

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