XL 335S Screen Issues? (Pics included)

Jan 12, 2010
I received a TomTom XL 335S for this past Christmas, but I was noticing screen issues on my unit. It seemed as if though while in the driving view, horizontal lines would streak across the screen. This would only happen in the driving view. I contacted TomTom support, explained my issue, sent back my device, and then was sent back a brand new unit. However, now my second device has the same exact thing! I'm starting to think that this is not an issue at all, and just normal. Can someone please confirm or explain what I'm seeing on my screen, and if you guys have the same thing? Thank you!

I should also note that on both devices I fully updated the software with available updates given through HOME.



That which you are experiencing is also noted on other models (I see it sometimes on my 720 with app 8.351 and NA map 840) if we're talking about the same thing, almost like different 'layers' of shading on the map (your third pic seems to show that best).

I'd call it a glitch in the firmaware interpreting the colour coding of the map. Hopefully resolved in a future firmware update.
That which you are experiencing is also noted on other models (I see it sometimes on my 720 with app 8.351 and NA map 840) if we're talking about the same thing, almost like different 'layers' of shading on the map (your third pic seems to show that best).

I'd call it a glitch in the firmaware interpreting the colour coding of the map. Hopefully resolved in a future firmware update.
Shading "layers" is definitely the best way to put it. As you can see in my second picture, as I zoom out, the initial layer moves downward while another layer appears near the top of the screen, therefore creating three separate shading layers. This really isn't a huge issue, but as you can imagine it can be annoying and frustrating.

So you think this is strictly a software issue and not a hardware issue? I guess that means sending back this device for another one would be pointless, correct? Since HOME is showing me that there are no updates, what is the likelihood that this issue would ever get fixed? Would you think it's worth sending it back and hoping to get another device that works correctly?

Thank you for the help!
So would there be any immediate remedies for this issue that doesn't include waiting for TomTom to release a patch or fix? And assuming all devices are using the most recent app version, shouldn't every 335S be expericing this same issue? I had this issue even before I updated the application to the most recent version.
I do not know of any remedies and do not think another exchange would fix the problem.

I do know the shading issue has been reported to TomTom but if and when there is a fix, I do not know.
I just wanted to update this thread with the response I received from TomTom support regarding this issue:

I can fully understand your concern with this issue and I do want to inform you that we are aware of this problem. We update our applications for the device once a month and once this months application is released the correction should be made to the application. With this being a know issue TomTom will send out an email saying when the new application will be available for installation through our software.

Hopefully they keep their word..
Thanks for the feedback. It's somewhat laughable when they say that firmware updates are monthly. The current one for most models is at least three or four months old, if not more.

Anyway, let's hope..........:eek:
Yeah I'm hoping what he told me is accurate and not just a line of BS to hold me off. I'm confident they are fully aware of the issue, but whether or not they are adamant about fixing it, only time will tell.
These lines are caused by the subtle change in colour of the display as its actually in bands to accentuate the 3D perspective, I remember discussing this on another European forum (not PGPSW) and it got quite a few people annoyed as they hadn't seen/ noticed these "lines" until it was pointed out - TomTom as I recall mentioned at some point they were part of the 3D view so your device looks normal to me - Mike
But these lines are not some minor issue that I discovered once someone pointed it out to me. My pictures do not do it justice. The lines are VERY obvious (nowhere near subtle), hence why it annoys me so much. They do not give a 3D impression at all, and the screen just looks distorted. Definitely not normal.
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Yeah I'm hoping what he told me is accurate and not just a line of BS to hold me off. I'm confident they are fully aware of the issue, but whether or not they are adamant about fixing it, only time will tell.

As far as monthly updates, Tomtom has been updating app 9.x about once a month lately, and your device is one of the few US models that is compatible with app 9.x. So their response could be legitimate.

Most other US models are actually 2008 or earlier hardware that was released later in the US (and marketed as "new"), and it appears Tomtom has mostly abandoned the 2008 hardware from a bug-fix perspective.

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