XL335SE-TM - Is there a way to change a planned route?

Mar 23, 2011

I am new to TomTom and just received my XL335SE. Map updates and everything installed fine for me. My issue is that I am planning a trip and would like to travel a specific route, and it is not the shortest way to get to my destination. When I have TomTom plan my route it takes me a completely different way. My old GPS allowed me to drag my route line on the map to the road I wanted to travel, then readjusted my directions from there.

Is there a way to get the XL335SE to accept my changes to the route it plans for me.

Also, my other GPS allowed me to program multiple "vias", or stops along the way. The XL335SE looks like a "single starting point" and "single destination" system. The instructions I received in the box were not very in depth and from playing with the route planner on the website, I can't find a way to change things once they are calculated.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. I hope to take my new TomTom on vacation in 3 weeks.

Your model comes with EasyMenu and has greatly reduced user flexibility, including the lack of itinerary planning. Once a route is planned, you can select Travel Via on that model but can only choose one point.

You can add more flexibility to that model by creating a custom menu. See here
Thanks much!! I'll give this a try.

If I am not satisfied with the results, is there another model TomTom that includes some itinerary planning? Also can you tell me it this is the only model that offers the Free Maps for Life? That feature alone is why I chose TomTom over my old GPS manufacturer.
Thanks again... I'll let you know how I make out.
Thanks much!! I'll give this a try.

If I am not satisfied with the results, is there another model TomTom that includes some itinerary planning?
Yes, but you won't find it at a WalMart retail store (although they have them online). Their other model is the "Ease", which has the same sort of problems. Simply avoid all of the following (looks like a long list, but it's really just a fraction of what's sold):

Ease (Start2 in Europe), XL335SE, XL335LE, XL335LM, XL350, XL350T, XL350M, XL350TM, (XL IQRoutes2 in Europe), XXL550, XXL550T, XXL550M and XXL550TM, GO2405, GO2505.

Also can you tell me it this is the only model that offers the Free Maps for Life? That feature alone is why I chose TomTom over my old GPS manufacturer.
Any model with an "M" in the suffix offers the map subscription as part of the deal. Some models come in several flavors, as you can see above in the XXL550's in the "avoid" list. The 550M and 550TM both include the maps. The "T" is for traffic.

Given the WalMart policy on returns, you might consider returning that one and picking up another unit (elsewhere, unless their store stock has changed to include more than the 335SE and the Ease) before you head out on vacation. For small screen units, I like the XL340(M or TM), and for the larger screen, the XXL540(M or TM).
canderson - Thank you so much for all of the information. I actually purchased this one from QVC, so I have some time, however considering the information you have given me, I think I will return it and research the two models you suggested.

dhn also gave some really good advice and I have looked at the thread he linked to. If I was out of the return window, I would definitely follow through and create a custom menu, however I think at this point I will just return it and purchase a model that can do what I want out of the box.

Thanks again to you both for responding. This is a great forum for a newbie like me!!!
I actually purchased this one from QVC
Interesting. The 335SE was original a run exclusive to WalMart. Must have had more than they knew what to do with. Glad to hear you have time to do a switch. Especially if you have expectations about what functions should be available on the front panel of a GPS from owning one before, one of the alternative models should make you happier.

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