What is the fastest unit?

Jun 20, 2007
Alberta, Canada
TomTom Model(s)
VIA 1535TM
I used to have a Go 930 and there was "ZERO" lag with button pressing. That is what im looking for.

Tried the Via units and there is too much lag for my liking. I also tried the Glass screen series and still doesnt come close to the Go 930 :(
Of all of the recent models I have tried, NONE of them are as fast as the fastest of the older units, and that would include the 930. Of my current stable of devices, my GO740 is still has the snappiest user interface.
I'm still moderately annoyed when I go back to my Go720 and get reminded how fast it is.

Ahh, nostalgia.... It was made back in the days when dedicated European software engineers spent their time squeezing every last morsel of performance out of the device and it's software.

Nowadays they are too busy "simplifying" everything in sight (and trying to make even the simplest things work properly!) to have time to finesse the software for best speed.
It seems now that if you press a button and eventually you get the right result, that's good enough for Infosys....
Tomtom's been shipping too many features with too underpowered hardware the past few years.

My assumption, though I never used it, is that the Tomtom iPhone4 or iPad3 apps would be the fastest today as they'd have the fastest possible hardware to run on.
I would use my iphone4 with tomtom but I drive for a living and would have it on all day long sitting in the sun. Tried it last year and after an hour i got the overheat warning:rant:

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