Shortest route found, but no route for fastest

Sep 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom Go 620
I was planning a route from King of Prussia Mall to 306 W. Lancaster Ave, Ardmore, PA
When I was using the shortest(fastest) time, it said no route found.
but when I change it to shortest distance, it found a route that is ~30 minutes away.
Why is it like that? Oh just to mention, I have the IQ Route enabled.

Oh I have a Go 920 T
Really? First I've ever heard of that. Can you post beginning and ending addresses or points ?
Start: intersection of King of Prussia Plaza(<- this is the street name) and Mall Blvd, King of Prussia, PA.
End: 306 W. Lancaster Ave, Ardmore, PA

Also, I got the v8.4 map
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I always try trips in Google maps first, Here it is.
Well, my 930 is acting up again like with the Virginia test and it will only allow King of Prussion and Erie as destination cities in Pennsylvania.

Back in business, after supper. This is fastest, using Toll roads, at 6 p.m. (23:10h GMT = HOME)

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Google maps isn't really a good test anymore Arno. There's quite a few roads that no longer match up.
Yea, and plus I was in the middle of the trip already
so there is no way I can use google map for help

Umm, you know when I try to use the plan route and see if I can regenerate the problem, I CAN"T
Maybe there is some problem with the IQ Routes at that time(black friday around 4 pm)
Or maybe because I have the traffic plugged in
Google maps isn't really a good test anymore Arno. There's quite a few roads that no longer match up.
Well, that should change soon. All Google maps have the Report a problem box at the RH bottom.
If marked for eMail feed back, the boiler plate acknowledging receipt is back within five minutes.
Another poster received a reply after two weeks that the change was made.
I'll monitor how long it will take to show the two months old railroad underpass, connecting Simcoe St with Lower Simcoe St in Toronto.
I sent a text map share to TomTom two months ago and a direct eMail to Tele Atlas the next day.

I edited my last post, adding a screen print with the IQ Routes trip in HOME.

Finally, now that Mike told me to use MSIE to Send a Google maps address directly to HOME, I will be using the map feature even more often.

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