Travelling VIA a place

Yes, things have changed quite a bit since the days of the ONE. Now you first search for new places or select from MyPlaces and use the triple vertical dot button to ask the unit to add them to your current route. Kind of the reverse of what you're accustomed to doing.
Hi, thanks, I did see add stops, but I thought that meant you went to that added stop...then stop and then touch screen to carry on to you just carry on and don't stop, not touching the screen at all????
Correct. If you get close enough to each stop, it is automatically assumed to be 'visited' and you can move on to the next. If you don't get close enough (e.g., have to park a couple of blocks away), you can manually eliminate the stop by going to "Current Route" and tell it to skip that one.
Phone consultations don't guarantee good results, but generally, you'll at least get answers more quickly that way. I'd call tech support.

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