Travelling to US, what to do ?

Dec 31, 2011
TomTom Model(s)
Hi all, travelling to the US in a few weeks and have two options - I have a Classic XL with Europe on it which I could add the USA maps to but have to risk taking off the Europe maps and hoping I can get them back on when I return ! OR I could buy a new TomTom with sufficient memory to take USA and Europe ? but from what I have read on the web it doesn't seem to be easy to find a current model that can take the USA maps ? (SD card slots that don't yet work etc ?)

You don't say how long you'll be here. Taking off the European maps is no risk at all if done correctly. We recommend you have a full backup of your unit via your OS (XP, OSX, Win7, whatever)

Once you have done that and have confirmed that your European map folder is over on your PC's hard drive, you can safely delete from your unit, freeing up enough space to easily load the North American map.

Alternately - I don't know what they're getting for a North American map these days, but you can buy an XXL540TM here for $89 at the moment.
Definitely not worth buying a new one just for this....

As Canderson says, once you have a full backup you can simply move the Europe map folder off the unit (and back on again when you want to swap back).

I shuffle maps about like this all the time.

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