Remote control arrow buttons don't work...


Oct 17, 2009
The remote control arrow buttons don't work in Phone related lists: Phonebook Entry, Recently Dialed, Recent Caller

They also don't work in the keyboard screens that are triggered when you press the Find button from those lists.

I've sent an error report to TomTom but if there's some sort of a workaround, please share them.

Also, I saw some posts that say that the Quick Menu cannot be accessed using the remote. It can. Press the middle soft button on the remote for 2 seconds to bring up the Quick Menu. GO 930 details are in my sig for reference.

After reading your post I checked out the directional control in the menus you mention and it is correct.

I too raised a Support questions and finally today received a reply (truncated):
TomTom Support said:
GO 930 Remote Control Directional Button Functions

Arno, scrolling through the phonebook via remote arrow keys is currently not supported. We will forward this case to our Product Management Team for review. This feature might be included in the future application updates; however we cannot guarantee you at this point of time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
As I cannot reach the device on the windscreen without focusing to find the 'page down' button and then the individual entry, the "hands free" feature of the 930 is virtually useless to me. For safety's sake I would have to pull over. If I do that I might just use the cell phone directly.
Actually Arno, as you know, even if it were reachable on the windshield for you, I believe it's now illegal here in Ontario to do so while driving.......
I don't think so. Remeber that I made a submission to the Minister immediately after first reading of Bill 118 spelling out exactly the problems with that scenario.
As Bill 118 now stands, the emphasis is on hand-held.
This link is an interpretative view of the bill:
Display screens visible to the driver are prohibited, except for dedicated GPS devices and a few others. The ?money? provision reads as follows:

No person shall drive a motor vehicle on a highway while holding or using a hand-held wireless communication device or other prescribed device that is capable of receiving or transmitting telephone communications, electronic data, mail or text messages.

With the proviso:

a person may drive a motor vehicle on a highway while using a device described [above] if the person is not holding the device?

[or] if all of the following conditions are met:
1. The motor vehicle is off the roadway or is lawfully parked on the roadway.
2. The motor vehicle is not in motion.
3. The motor vehicle is not impeding traffic.

Read more: Ontario Bill 118 Now Online >> Slaw
Thank you for taking the time to confirm it and also logging it with TT.

After a couple of exchanges, they also sent me the same canned reply. Maybe they filed that after I expressed my dissatisfaction with their initial explanation; that only 1 Bluetooth device can be connected and used at a time. 'Told them that is a big load they're dumping on me because the remote works with other lists and keyboards with the phone also connected via Bluetooth.

I do hope they fix it... even after the death knell by google.
Funny you should mention that. I just posted:
to TomTom Support said:
Dear Xyz,

With your previous reply you informed that you (TomTom)
cannot do anything at this time with the problems of the
remote control non functioning directional arrows in the
phone book or its Find function as caused by one of your
NavCore upgrades.

To that message I of course did not reply within 72 hours.
This Support Question will remain in an UNRESOLVED status
until such time that TomTom rectifies the problem it has

Please do not send your boiler plate reply again telling me
it is resolved if I do not reply within 72 hours!

Yours faithfully,
This is getting funny.
Got an apologetic reply saying that the software department has been informed but that text is generated automatically.
It then finished off again with telling me that should I not reply within 72 hours the case is considered resolved.

No wonder that the software ends up with all kinds of snafus if their brilliant programmers cannot even stop the addition of boiler plate text in an individual reply.
Arno, this is the honest to god truth.........

I regularly get emails from TomTom about closing questions of mine as being solved....


They keep assigning questions from others to my account!!!!!!

I've (apparently) asked questions about my Rider in the past (hell, I have trouble driving something with four wheels!), about my 510 unit .......... about other 720's...

It's beyond laughable how screwed up they are.
The remote control arrow buttons don't work in Phone related lists: Phonebook Entry, Recently Dialed, Recent Caller

Have you tried using app 8.302? I don't have a remote but a lot of bluetooth stuff broke in the upgrade from 8.302 to 8.35x. May be worth a try. See here for downgrade steps.
I'm nearly certain that users had posted issues with the remote functions changing several months ago. I did finally get my 930 remote to work with the 740, but some buttons don't work as expected (or at all) on several screens. All in all, it's no longer a desireable feature for me with the way it now works, not worth the aggravation. It's in a drawer at home now.
Have you tried using app 8.302? I don't have a remote but a lot of bluetooth stuff broke in the upgrade from 8.302 to 8.35x. May be worth a try.
Just downgraded to 8.302 and can confirm that the Bluetooth remote is now fully functioning again with the phone book arrows and [Find] function.
Thanks (I guess, not remembering what problems were caused by that NavCore ;->) ),
I tried the downgrade to 8.302 over the weekend. I noticed that only the phone numbers were synched/copied across whereas 8.351 copies names and numbers. Is that normal?

So for me, it's a choice between 8.302 with the remote working but only having a list of phone numbers, OR, 8.351 with the remote not working but having a list of names and phone numbers :(
I can tell you that in navcore 9, at least the versions I have tested (9.022 and 9.024) the BT remote is fully functional. Scrolling through the phonebook (or phon-e-book as Susan would say) works and both name and numbers are imported. I do hope navcore 9 will officially be released to older models as it addresses many issues that currently exist in various versions. In the 3+ weeks that I've been running nc 9 I have not had one automatic reset. Bluetooth also has been working continously withouth any problems. There are some issues with computer voices not being able to pronounce accents in 9.022 and the voice command feature doesn't work properly for English computer voices (UK and US) in 9.024.
I tried the downgrade to 8.302 over the weekend. I noticed that only the phone numbers were synched/copied across whereas 8.351 copies names and numbers. Is that normal?

So for me, it's a choice between 8.302 with the remote working but only having a list of phone numbers, OR, 8.351 with the remote not working but having a list of names and phone numbers :(
I have no problems with the 930.
I had lost the icons for Home, Work, Mobile but that was in going to 8.35 or 8.351.
No hardship for me as they were imported from my Samsung with /H, /W etc.

Import your phone book again mine shows all names.

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