Problem installing TripMaster v1.7b

Jun 13, 2007
TomTom Model(s)
Hi all,

I have a new TT1 (replacing a very old Magellan Map330). I'm trying to install TripMaster v1.7b, but keep running into trouble.

As someone else reported for SunTime, I didn't have the "Content" folder, so I created one and unzipped the downloaded file there. (I have WinXP SP2, in case it matters.)

So TripMaster shows up in HOME, but when I try to install it, I get the error:
"This installation file does not exist: C:\<portions deleted>\Home\Content\"

Sure enough, there is no .cab file in the unzipped contents. Is something in the zip file mis-named or something? (I found a trimpaster.cap file?)

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
When you download the program, its in a *.zip form.

Unzip the file, and you should get two files:
1. tripmaster *.toc file
2. tripmaster *.cab file

Place those two files in the content directory and try installing it again through HOME.
Unzip the file, and you should get two files:
1. tripmaster *.toc file
2. tripmaster *.cab file

When I download and expand it using StuffIt for Windows, I get a folder called tripmaster_v1.7b

Inside that folder is
1. trimpmaster_v1.7b.toc
2. another folder called tripmaster_v1.7b

Inside that folder is
1. a folder called sdkregistry
2. a folder called tripmaster
3. a folder called skin

Folder sdkregistry contains
1. tripmaster.bmp
2. tripmaster.cap (yes, caP, not caB)

Folder tripmaster contains a bunch of .lng files and .ogg files, and a folder called images

Folder skin contains some .ttf and .txt and .bmp files​

Any suggestions? Or can someone tell me where to get the .cab file itself, not the zipped version? Am I the only person having this trouble? If you can recommend a different program to unzip it under Windows, that would be fine, too.

Inside that folder is
1. trimpmaster_v1.7b.toc
2. another folder called tripmaster_v1.7b
StuffIt is playing games with you. The second file is really called But .CAB is actually an archive-type file anyway (it stands for "cabinet"), so stuffit thinks it's doing you a favor by treating it as a directory within the ZIP, automatically opening it for you.

I suggest you download WinZIP or 7-zip, or some other zip-handling program if StuffIt insists on this behavior.
Aha! Just before I read your reply, I put the .zip file in my "Content" directory, and had HOME try to install that. It didn't install the software, but it did properly uncompress the file.
Using Windows to browse the TomTom as a hard drive, I was able to copy the .cab and .toc files off of the TomTom, put them in the right directory, and then have HOME install them.

ChrisW is right, it looks like stuffit makes it look like another folder. However, I think it still should work if you copy the *.toc and the other 'folder' in your Content directory.

If it doesn't work, try installing WinZip and see if that helps you out.

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