Problems after Installing Map v.890.4222

Jun 10, 2012
TomTom Model(s)

I have just tried updating my GO-730 for the second time (last on 25 May 2012) with the UK & Republic of Ireland map version 890.4222. It downloaded OK and installed itself apparently OK. On restarting the GO-730, it said that there were NO maps! :mad: As I had, sensibly, backed up the whole of the device files to my laptop, I checked the used space for the old and new. The old file system was 407Mb and the new, non-operational, 396Mb. It appears that the new map removes some file(s) which are required to allow the device to detect that it has a map installed. Using Home 2.8 to restore its backup does NOT clear the problem, using my full backup the system works as it should again.

I have full copies of the device both before and after the map update for both the failures (25 May and 10 June 2012).

When are TomTom going to sort this problem out? :mad: I have paid for map updates and the supplied update v890.4222 is NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE! :mad:

Another problem that I noticed when my previous map update was installed was that ALL the POI warning were cleared. WHY?? :rant: If MS cleared all the sound settings in Windows whenever it was updated there would be an outcry, so why does TomTom think that all settings need to be reset? :rant:
An update:

The working version meta file: United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ireland-452.meta

The faulty version meta file: United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ireland-562.meta

I deleted the home/downloads directory to ensure that the map was downloaded from the server and not run from the downloads directory.

Basically, there is a serious problem which should have been sorted long ago.

Trading Standards may be interested as I have paid for a service which has repeatedly delivered an update which causes my device to not display a map, i.e. IT IS NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE!:rant:

Come on TomTom, set your technical experts on this and sort it ASAP! :mad:
Update 2:

Tried copying the contents of Home2\Download\Complete\Map\United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ireland\ and to my GO-730 United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ireland folder. This produced exactly the same results as above.:mad2: It also cut the used space from 407 to 396Mb.:confused:

To restore the device to a working condition I just deleted the United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ireland folder and copied the backup version, all works as it should :thumb:, but using old map data. :rolleyes:
That is meant for those with the Truck map (known as 'Work model').

I'd suggest this:
1. Make an Explorer, not Home, backup of your unit's contents. If not sure how, see here:

2. Then delete all the loose files in the root of the unit, NO folders or their contents.

3. connect to Home and install the application offered. Disconnect the unit properly and reconnect. Again go to Update my unit and see if a further application is offered. Keep installing until 9.430 is offered. Install.

Disconnect and see if the maps work now.
Interesting! The first update was 8.351 - earlier than the original on my device and 9.430 was the second update. Why should my device have a 'Truck map'? This is exactly as supplied when I bought it and all map updates until 890.4222 worked perfectly with it. Why didn't Home pick up that it should update the system, surely it can detect the system version?? At no point was I told that an update was required - Home needs updating to detect ALL versions of the system and offer to update if needed.

Finished updating, have insatalled map v 890.4222 and yes it does work, however there is NO UK voice available on update. Have found the only UK voice - Simon - downloaded it and added, all now working OK. Have changed my car & splash screen to my original as well and all is still OK.

Your instructions need adding a 'Sticky' .

Thanks for being forbearing!
Glad things are resolved. Now, make another Explorer backup to a different folder on the computer.
Already done! :thumb: I always keep a backup separate to the Home backup.

Is it possible to prevent the loss of voice prompts, which are a pain to set up, being lost on map updates??
The first update was 8.351 - earlier than the original on my device and 9.430 was the second update. Why should my device have a 'Truck map'?

dhn didn't say you had a truck map... it's the application version that was on there that was a truck version. It's very unlikely that could have been on there from new are you sure you didn't add it at some point in the past.

Now you have a correct software version for your model it's quite likely that you won't lose your settings on the next map update - TomTom did quite a lot of work to stop that happening.

But if it does go wrong due to a particular set of circumstances, then so long as you have a decent backup, replacing a single file - "MapSettings.cfg" - from the backup will usually get your warning settings back.
Further details of that process are in many forum posts if you do a search for that filename.
I haven't updated the application at any time since I bought the unit new. So why it had an incorrect application is an interesting question, did TomTom supply Halfords with GO-730's incorrectly set up from the factory?

Thanks for the info re: "MapSettings.cfg", I'll make a note just in case I need it!
did TomTom supply Halfords with GO-730's incorrectly set up from the factory?

It's always possible... stranger things have happened.

I think I remember a truck version of software (or one where you could select the vehicle type anyway) got released via Home for a brief period too.
Noticed one change using Home, I can now use 'Operate my Device' which has not worked since I bought the 730. The truck version obviously doesn't work totally with Home.
The "Truck" version didn't ever have an equivalent Home 730 emulator (kind of a mixed bag there), so no surprise that particular feature never worked for you.
Rather then replying in the thread where I stated my initial map problem I'll do it here.

In the other thread PSJ kindly posted a direct link to 9.340 after my asking.
Although I had switched to 8.351 before trying to install that one, it did not work.
As I never had a problem switching to and fro between 8.302 and 8.351 I decided to ask here at TTF what might be wrong.

In a search I found dhn's post (#3) where in point 2.) he stated to removve the loose files.
I did that, connected to Home and 8.351 was offered.
After installation 9.340 was offered and then the NA 890.4222 map was downloaded and installed.

During the installation process I noticed that the following files were installed to the SD card, not to internal memory.

The device functions OK, but when connecting to Home2 it seems to default to the SD card, with it taking the top position in the list (1st attachment).


Even though I select (Internal), the device appears to want to open the map on the SD card as seen in the second attachment.


Additionally, when going to Support from within Home2, even though it shows my registered eMail address, which TomTom phone support made sure is the correct one for this device I am getting the last screen.


This OS does not allow to access ALL POIs in an .ov2 group any longer just like Nav3 devices.
Making POIs for all the places at which I will be staying and visiting and being to see them at once was one of the stronger features why I recommend TomTom devices to friends.
I will not be able to do that any longer in all conscience.

At least, the remote works OK
There has been a bug in Home 2 forever, it seems, where it disregards the user's choice of locations for installation of files by putting them on the card instead of internal, internal instead of card, or both!

That said, those dat files should have gone wherever the rest of the application files went on your device.

About the pois with app 9.430.......

Are you sure it's limited now?

The reason I ask is that I ul a custom poi file to both my 720 and Miramar last week. The Miramar did not find a location over 100 km from me as the crow flies (in Amherst, New York). The 720 did show that listing........
Once the map folder has been manually relocated to the SD card or internal, I've never had any further problems with location issues of updates on any version of Home for the last year or two.
About the pois with app 9.430.......
Are you sure it's limited now?
No, I was wrong. It must have been the Nav3 device to which I uploaded the new POI category and then checked.

Trying that one after reading your reply, it now sees the category but does not find ANY POIs in it.

BTW, I tried to edit out the wrong paragraph but cannot find an edit option.
I thought it had been decided that posters with a certain number of contributions were allowed to edit their posts.
Arno, I don't honestly remember if there is a time limit (after first posting) for the Edit button to still appear on a post.
Once the map folder has been manually relocated to the SD card or internal, I've never had any further problems with location issues of updates on any version of Home for the last year or two.
Although I never moved from one storage location to another, this is the first time that I have problems.

Are the files I noted in post #15 in your North America map folder?

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