"no maps found" after update

May 22, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
one IQ Routes
I am new to forums so I am not sure that I am posting this in the right one.
My problems started when I tried to update my TT.One IQ routes.
I got a message telling me that I did not have enough disk space to continue and aborted the update. I then updated on another computer. The TomTom Home screen told me that this was successful.
when I booted up the TT I got the "no maps found" screen.
I then tried a "soft" reboot. It did not work( I have since tried this about twenty times without success).
When I check TT Home it tells me the UK maps are there also I can use them with "operate my device".
I have deleted maps with both TT Home and IE and re-installed them, still "no maps"
I found this thread and saw that a "suicide reboot" did the trick. My problem is if I can't do a soft reboot how could I do the suicide one?
I think if could reboot it may work.
Any ideas most welcome
The "suicide reboot" does not apply to your unit, nor any unit that uses Home for its user interface.

Let's start with .. what kind of update were you performing on your ONE IQ?

Looking into your unit, can you identify a folder called UK_ROI or something similar to that? This would be your map folder. Does it appear to be populated with files?

Have you ever backed up your unit, purchased a new map, or did you take advantage of the Latest Map Guarantee when you first got your unit?
Hello and thanks for the reply.
Last query first- no, sorry but I did not backup or buy new maps. It has had very little use.
The other day I had a long trip to do so I connected to my laptop that told me there was an important update and proceeded to download it into the device.
Thats when the trouble started.
There is one folder "Europe_East" 1.3GB 30 files and another one called "maps" 1 file, 2.1KB size on disk-32KB
Uh oh. Europe East? Being in the UK, I wouldn't have expected THAT on your unit. Guess we'd better start from the beginning before I become completely befuddled by that one...

I see you post a UK location. Are you in fact located there, and what areas of Europe did your unit cover with its maps before all of this happened? At least this will give me an idea of what to tell you to look for when we start hunting for it. Did you know you had an Eastern Europe map?
While you're answering that, I'd like you to look into the contents of the following folder on your PC:

My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\complete\map

See if that folder exists, and if so, what sub-folders it contains.

When you say that TTHome is finding UK maps, where is it finding them? I assume you are using "Manage my ONE" or "Manage my device" (I forget what it says for a ONE) to see the contents of both your device and computer. Home thinks there's a UK map in there somewhere. We REALLY need to find it.
Ok, I am based in the UK and TT covered UK and Europe.I have just had a look at "manage my device" and on the "items" I checked maps and there is only one ie; Europe-eastern zone - the UK is not included! My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\complete\map contains folders "complete,------map-----complete (again) + temp(empty)-------map (again)----- Europe-"-Western-zone (1.25 GB 5 files)
Just ran "operate my device"- the uk map has gone and I can only get Latvia,Greece etc. ie Eastern Europe.
Ah - OK - you had the 'full' Europe map before (aka "the Western Europe 2GB" version).

It sounds as though you accepted a map update in addition to a possible firmware update (the "critical" update they mentioned), and that you are just now discovering that the European maps have become "zoned" due to the size. It is no longer possible to fit all of Europe onto your 2GB unit due to lack of sufficient memory to do it all at once. How/why you were offered zoned maps I don't know. Either you have an update subscription of some sort, or they were offered in error - which would be to your benefit if it's a newer map!

While I've certain seen and read a lot about loading individual zones for European devices, I'm here in the USA and have not yet experienced this or had reason to try it first hand.

Don't know how/why you were offered a map update, and how you happened to get the Eastern Europe zone loaded. In any case, the good news is that you were able to find Europe-Western-Zone there. It is possible to load that map to your unit without using Home if Home isn't playing well with friends.

First, back up your unit using this procedure: https://www.tomtomforums.com/t17864-how-backup-contents-your-unit-computer-how-restore.html

Then, delete the Eastern zone map folder from your unit, and install the Western zone map using this procedure: https://www.tomtomforums.com/t18197-how-install-downloaded-map-without-using-home.html
Ok, back again.
Followed your advice and deleted and re-installed.
I had to use HOME to backup as windows explorer was unable to do it.
I successfuly loaded the 1.3 GB Western Europe folder into the device.
On startup I get the bright TomTom screen, then darker sceen that brightens and a yellow line runs accross the bottom, then the dreaded " NO MAPS FOUND"
No drums.
I must have done something bad in a past life!
Guess I should ask -- where did that Western Europe (and for that matter, the Eastern Europe) map package come from? Have you purchased an updated map at some point in the past? Or has it come from somewhere else? I'm wondering how they happened to be on your PC to begin with. "Latest Map Guarantee" when you first bought the unit, or ???
I really don't know where the Wesrern map came from. On a map update I am told that the complete Europe package will not fit into the TT, then asks me to select the region from four options. Its possible that I have had a bit of Digit trouble and selected the wrong map. The only map now on my PC and TT is the 1.3GB eastern europe.
I have never purchased a map update.
Is there any way I can send you the contents of my device?
The only map now on my PC and TT is the 1.3GB eastern europe.
Eh? Above, you said"
"I successfuly loaded the 1.3 GB Western Europe folder into the device."
Is there any way I can send you the contents of my device?
If you can take a series of screen shots of the root of your TomTom showing the folders, that would help, because after the above comment, I'm really confused!
Sorry about that.
Tried to get some screen shots but they were garbage.
Unless there is away of sending you the contents of my TT, I think I have to say thank you very much for your efforts and buy a map.
Wellllll... you can always go to a DOS box, select the 'drive letter' for your TomTom, and type DIR /S > C:\TOMTOM.TXT
and provide the resulting text file that will land in the root of your C drive. There was life before the Windows GUI :thumb:
That was a blast from the past- using DOS!
I think I've managed to copy everything in the attatched docs.


  • tomtom text 1.doc
    58.5 KB · Views: 493
  • tomtom text 2.doc
    63.5 KB · Views: 504
  • tomtom text 3.doc
    66.5 KB · Views: 523
  • tomtom text 4.doc
    57.5 KB · Views: 550
Sorry to butt in, but from your FORTH listing doc, I can see that you have installed the individual map files into the folder called "maps".... that's wrong.

All the files that were in the folder called "Europe_West" need to STAY in that folder and the entire folder needs to be put onto the root of the TomTom, i.e. not inside any other folder.

The "maps" folder should only have one or two logging files (with a .tlv extension) in it if you have downloaded a map via Home. It usually works fine for Europe mapping with NOTHING in that folder.
Glad you jumped in, Andy. I've been away from the computer for the whole day.
Hello again,
Thanks for the advice Andy and canderson. I have arranged the folders to suit.
Using TT Home I have selected "operate my device" and the on screen TT starts up and locates my address. I have selected a destination and the software plans a route.
Did a disconnect from my PC.
TomTom comes up with "No Maps Found"
I have looked for some type of EXE file or folder but I think thats a bit beyond me.
What I did see was two files that seem to have garbled names. Could they be corrupted? I have tried to access the but I get a message that they could not be opened.
the only details Ican get are when I hover the cursor over their icons.
"modified 14/7/2010 64KB" and "modified 29/4/1981 224KB"
Oooo... there should be NO files with 'garbled' names .. and whatever is broken is something that Home emulates and doesn't need from your unit, or Operate my Device would not have worked.

It may be very easy to resolve this -- where ARE the two garbled files located? Root of the device, or one of the folders?
Sorry for the delay .. I've been on the road a bit.

OK - good place for them (in the root). Save the contents of your entire unit again as you did before, but to a new folder on your PC. Since we don't know when this happened, I want to keep the two backups segregated for now.

Now, delete ALL of the LOOSE files (NO folders!!!) from the root of your unit, including the two with the garbage names. When done, disconnect properly and reconnect and Home will offer to replace the 'missing' firmware on your unit that we just removed with those deletions. Home may not bring you all the way up to the most recent version on the first pass, so continue to properly disconnect/reconnect until no new firmware is offered.

Now copy back your map folder (into the proper folder this time, as we identified above). Tell us what happens.

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