Managing two maps in a 330S device

Jul 10, 2009
I am a new TomTom owner having just purchased a XL 330S which came pre loaded with a US/Canada map. We are taking a trip to Europe and I purchased a western Europe map for use on our trip. The TomTom that I have does not have enough memory to keep both maps on the device. I am looking for a process by which I can move the US map to the PC, install the western Europe map on the device and then when I return to the states, move the US map to the device and keep the western Europe map on the PC.

TomTom support does not seem to have a clear answer to this question of managing multiple maps on a device without enough memory for the two maps.
Simply connect the device to your PC use Windows Explorer to make a full backup of the device (Don't rely upon the TomTom Home software to do this as its not very good at it).
With a full backup on thePC you can use Windows Explorer to delete the North America map folder from the device, install your Western_Europe map and off you go.

On return from Europe simply connect the device to the PC and use Windows Explorer to copy the Western_Europe map folder to your PC then copy the North American map back to the device - subsequent trips, just use Windows Explorer to swap the maps - Mike

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