Managing 2 TT's on 1 Computer

Jul 25, 2007
Inverary, Ontario
TomTom Model(s)
TTXL335S and TT1
When I got my new TT last Christmas I quickly discovered the my existing Tom Tom Home account would not allow me to have 2 devices setup on 1 account. I had to create a new account using a different email address. I ended up using my wifes email address for my second account. Since I was in a hurry to get the new TT updated I didn't really look into this much further. I now plan to start programing and updating both of my TT's a lot more as the summer approaches. Can anyone suggest a good way to deal with 2 devices and 1 computer? Ideally I'd also like 1 TT Home account as well. Thanks.
As long as you have a separate email address for each unit when it is connected to Home, there is no problem having more than one unit being connected to Home (one at a time, of course! :) ).

Personally, I have four separate models here .... just one instance of Home.
Thanks dhn.

Thats what I'm doing now, the problem is I keep forgetting my wifes email address so unless she is around I can't update. I know it's a minor complaint but it would be easier if a single Home account count deal with multiple devices instead of having to setup separate accounts complete with different email addresses.
That's why the good lord invented sticky notes, sir. :)

You MUST have a separate account for each unit. Home can't function otherwise.
As long as you have a separate email address for each unit when it is connected to Home, there is no problem having more than one unit being connected to Home (one at a time, of course! :) ).

Personally, I have four separate models here .... just one instance of Home.
Given that your 4 models might not share the same navcore versions and map versions, how are you managing downloads with Home? Just letting them head for the same folder, and keeping track of which is which mentally?
No, once Home recognizes what unit is attached (by the appropriate email address), it 'knows' what apps or maps belong on the specific unit.

If I go to Manage my Device-->Computer, it'll show a bunch of maps but the ones not for that unit are highlighted in red as 'not being for your device/application'.

Handling multiple units is normally one of the few things Home can do properly.
Thats what I'm doing now, the problem is I keep forgetting my wifes email address so unless she is around I can't update.

HOME lets you save your email/password. Once you do autosave twice both devices, then HOME will recognize which device you have plugged in and auto-login to the appropriate email address.
No, once Home recognizes what unit is attached (by the appropriate email address), it 'knows' what apps or maps belong on the specific unit.
Not that I'd ever use Home for a backup, but how does it segregate those? There's normally just one for a unit. Does it start creating new folders to keep everything square, or ??
Not that I'd ever use Home for a backup, but how does it segregate those? There's normally just one for a unit. Does it start creating new folders to keep everything square, or ??

It doesn't segregate. Each download has a .toc file that describes what it is. HOME compares that file to its server roster to see what is/isn't eligible for the device currently plugged in.
It doesn't segregate. Each download has a .toc file that describes what it is. HOME compares that file to its server roster to see what is/isn't eligible for the device currently plugged in.
It's not the downloads I was asking about - it's the backups. Bad enough that Home overwrites the previous backup with the current one, but with two or more units -- what then? Separate folders, or ???
Nope, just overwrites the backup from a previous unit! (unless the user sets a different path in the folder configuration screen)

That, among other reasons, is why we say NO Home backups .... ever! ;)

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