How to skip a waypoint on a Go Discover

Nov 30, 2022
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Go Discover

I frequently set up a route with 20 waypoints. I use the my drive app on my phone which then syncs the route on to my Go Discover. As soon as I reach a waypoint the Go Discover then navigates me to the next one. This is exactly how I want it to work but there are occasions when the waypoint is not accurate and I have physically reached my way point although my Go Discover does not think that I am there yet. This is no problem when I then drive past where the Go Discover thinks the waypoint is as it then just navigates to the next waypoint but there have been numerous times when I then need to travel in the opposite direction. On my previous device, a Go 6200, I simply hit the skip next stop button and all was good. I cannot find the button on my Go Discover and the only advice I have been given is to go into the menu and it's there, however,to go back into the menu the current route is cancelled so no help there. I'm sure that I'm just being a numpty and there is a simple solution but I have been unable to find it. Any help would be grately appreciated.
To get to the "Skip Next Stop" is not that simple!;)

I find that you have to zoom in on the map and select the “route” near to the “stop” icon you wish to skip. If correctly selected and I often have to try it several times :mad:– a quick light tap seems to be best, then it will show the Menu on screen to Manage Stops > Skip Next Stop.

Alternatively if you can select the actual stop symbol (flag) it "should" pop up the option to “Delete this Stop”.

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