Go1050 world - "Skipping destination" O_o

Aug 26, 2011
...Umm... is this meant to be a feature? or does my tomtom have an attitude problem

The how:

Travel from Norwich
Destination, a place in Edinburgh

Travel via Peterborough
Travel via Manchester
Travel via a different place in Edinburgh...

it went to the first 2 waypoints fine
the 3rd, however, I was forced to take a detour a few streets away from the waypoint due to roadworks... and it came up with a message "skipping destination"... and told me to go to the next place... NO, i want to go to where I told it to go... so of course, was left abusing the machine in the hectic streets of Edinburgh, with no chance to tell it to go to where i sent it to... grumble grumble...

how do i disable this "skipping destination" garbage feature?
I've not heard of, or seen, this behaviour myself yet.

I'm not excusing it, but as a work-round, couldn't you have either:
a. gone to the Travel via... screen, tapped the missing waypoint and selected "Reactivate" ?

or b. Just quickly gone to Navigate to... Recent destination?

Presume you bought the Go1050 abroad? I've not seen it for sale in the UK.
yea, I bought it in Australia, i think its the 1005world here in the uk

the tiny streets of edinburgh during the festival make for a very inconvenient time to be pressing buttons on the gps though, normally it wouldn't be an issue
yea, I bought it in Australia, i think its the 1005world here in the uk

I've not seen that one either, I can only see the 1005 Europe.

I've never understood why the Americans (and now the Australians) get all the "World Traveller" versions....
i think it's because we are more inclined to travel to other continents, australia to travel to another country, is obviously another continent... america being much the same

whereas you mob have all the countries of europe to visit

the au and the us wages also go a lot further when travelling, which i thinnk goes into their marketting also
btw, the Go1050world has the following maps:

New Zealand
USA Canada and Mexico

and there is 1gb of free space for Africa, Middle East, or Asia (all incomplete maps atm)
I thought a lot of Yanks never travelled out of their county at all! :lol: ::boink:

Out of interest, have you been able to buy those Africa/Asia maps yet?

Because the TT website is still saying
Visit www.tomtom.com/maps to purchase the Map Update Service for the map on your navigation device. Other map updates cannot be purchased yet.
bit more discussion to be made, as i am driving, not flying

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Response (---- 09/08/2011 04.40 AM
Dear Mr ,

Thank you for contacting TomTom Customer Support
Your reference for your query is -------

Unfortunately maps are currently not available to purchase for the GO 1050 however please attach a copy of your flight itinerary from your airline or travel agent. Once received we can allocate the map as requested free of charge.

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The TomTom Customer Support Team

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Title: Instructions for downloading a map (TomTom HOME)
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Title: Do I need a computer for new maps?
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Title: Deleting a map
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Title: Advice on downloading maps
Link: Advice on downloading maps
Customer -----
G'day, how would I go about downloading a map of Africa and Middle East for my Go Live 1050?


Question Reference----
Product Level 1: Car Navigation
Category Level 1: Maps
Date Created: --/08/2011 ---
Last Updated: --/09/2011 ----
Status: Answered
yea, I bought it in Australia, i think its the 1005world here in the uk

I've not seen that one either, I can only see the 1005 Europe.

I've never understood why the Americans (and now the Australians) get all the "World Traveller" versions....


thats where i bought mine, the only difference between the 1050 and the new 2050, that i can see, is the addition of the traffic receiver now being inbuilt, opposed to an extra - and it being a yearly charged extra -
and instead using a sim card to give them yearly subscriptions to junk (ha!)
Regarding the "skipping destination" concern, Tomtom has a very wide tolerance for skipping waypoints.

Prior to arriving at the waypoint, once Tomtom says "in a quarter mile you will reach your waypoint", then any deviation from your route will skip the waypoint.

I agree that the tolerance (new to app 10.500) is way too high, and should be reduced. There is no way to reduce the tolerance yourself, but I recommend calling Tomtom phone support and requesting that developers consider the change. the more customers who complain, the more they could prioritize fixing the issue.
;) must be the Australian charm seeping through the internet connection

yet to see, suspect to have trouble with the free method... i don't mind paying for it, as that's what they said originally, but i'm like a kid in that way - if you think someone else will give a better response... try it!!

will keep naggling them though

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