HELP - red flashing cross on XXL

Nov 12, 2013
TomTom Model(s)
got a red flashing cross on XXL ,tried to update UK maps, updated,but can't get passed red X.,tried everything TOMTOM have told me to do ,uninstall, format,re install,and all that drumming OHHHH .when they ask me to start and do a task , they ask me to tick the box for APPLICATION , voices and such, but there is NO APPLICATION to click on, WHERE has it gone ,some thing in TT home
don't recognize my device, like backup and restore, and operate my device, I know maps and voices are on there as Ican find them on items on device and also in computer E drive
Any Ideas

(Mod edit to add detail to title - AP)
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Yes done that loads of times, been trying to fix this for the last 3 weeks with TomTom via email and on the phone, just wondered if anyone has come across it before, any idea what error code 258288131 means
Where do you see the error?

When you connect to Home-->Manage my Device-->Items on Computer-->application, what do you see?

You mentioned you do see the files on your computer. Does the location match where Home's Tools-->Preferences-->Folder locations shows (such as the download folder)? If the folder location you see using Explorer is different from what Home says, you can 'browse' in Home to match the true location on your computer.

Then, you should be able to select to install.

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