XL Help Required for Postal Codes UK

Jul 22, 2011
Hello all.

I got a TT Xl for xmas and have been really pleased with it until a couplke of weeks ago.
I connected up to the pc to update my TT and ever since its been driving me nuts.
Before the update , when planning a route id enter a postcode and the relevant road would appear and i would select etc etc .......brilliant !
But now id enter a full postcode NN3 6HY for example and it lists all the roads in the NN3 area and i have to scroll down and find the road im looking for !!!
I want the update of course i do but i also want to be able to just enter the full postcode and the correct road comes up !
Id appreciate anyone who could advise me how to fix this.

Thanks in advance.......Steve :thumb:
Nice One !

Thanks dhn , all working properly now. Any idea why these files are missing in the update ?
Worse than that... new versions of those files don't normally appear in a update, you have to download them yourself. So your original ones should still have been there.
But we've been hearing quite a few reports of them going AWOL after an update. I don't think anyone has got to the bottom of why yet.

Still, at least it's an easy one to fix once you know you can.

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