HELP NEEDED: TomTom not recognized by PC (USB Driver problem?)

Thanks mate

I had to return the Tomtom in the end.

They could not replace it as they don't have any in stock.

It is Argos actually not Tesco
Tt go 2505

Well, I have a brand new tomtom unit that my desktop will neither connect to or recognize. I don't even get to the option of "Do you want to connect to the computer?" and the tomtom doesn't even show up as a device in "Computer".

I'm running windows 7 for which I haven't seen any support for on the tomtom website. Windows Vista is the latest software that I can tell.

When I review the list of USB devices in Device Manager, I'm lost as to which item refers to the tomtom.

Pretty frustrating. Another wonderful computer device on the market from a company that doesn't do its due diligence and testing for compatibility with other software manufacturers. You see it all the time. Get the product on the market, collect the revenue first and then maybe fix the incompatibility problems if enough people scream loud enough.
Welcome to TTF.

You don't say what model you have. But try a reset on the unit. Either it'll have a dedicated reset hole (not so many current models) or you hold the power button for about 10 seconds till you hear the drum roll.

Then connect to the computer. Try that.
Welcome to TTF.

You don't say what model you have. But try a reset on the unit. Either it'll have a dedicated reset hole (not so many current models) or you hold the power button for about 10 seconds till you hear the drum roll.

Then connect to the computer. Try that.

Thanks for welcome and the info dhn. I have a GO 2505TM. Running windows 7 on an HP pavilion elite quad core.

I've tried resetting the unit already to no avail, tried plugging the usb cable into every different port on my desktop (front, rear, and hub) and these fixes haven't worked.

I have an older dell laptop that's running xp still so I'm going to try going through it for now.

You are running MyHome 3, not Home 2, correct?

Call support at 866-486-6866. See what they say. I know some have no problem usung W7 and the computer 'seeing' the 2505; others do have issues.....
You are running MyHome 3, not Home 2, correct?

Call support at 866-486-6866. See what they say. I know some have no problem usung W7 and the computer 'seeing' the 2505; others do have issues.....

I'm pretty sure I'm running MyHome 2.8. Which I read somewhere else that the 2505 is not compatible. So I'll have to check that. But I don't recall seeing a download for MyHome 3 on the site. Can you provide a link? Thanks so much.
That model requires the web based My Home.

Go here:

(and log into MyTomTom)

Okay, that makes me think that I've duplicated software on my pc dhn, because I have the web based MyTomTom to which my unit connects. So, I will uninstall MyHome 2.8 today.

I know that my 2505 connects when using the web based version of MyTomTom so I'll give it a go again tonight and see what happens.

Need I still be concerned about the 2505 not being listed in windows explorer as a USB device?

Thanks for your help dhn.
The 2505 model does not appear as an external drive, unfortunately. Consequently, the user cannot access the file systemj of the unit, make an Explorer backup or other good stuff......

Should you be concerned? No, in the sense that this is how it is for that model (and the 1000, 1005, 2405 and VIA models). Yes in that some user control has been removed by TT in doing this......
The 2505 model does not appear as an external drive, unfortunately. Consequently, the user cannot access the file systemj of the unit, make an Explorer backup or other good stuff......

Should you be concerned? No, in the sense that this is how it is for that model (and the 1000, 1005, 2405 and VIA models). Yes in that some user control has been removed by TT in doing this......

Thanks dhn. I'm okay with the unit not showing up in explorer and being accessible by the user. As long as that's the way it's designed to operate then that's fine with me. I don't need to get into the unit to hack it or anything. Plus now I know that it's working normally.

I'm running map version 855.3051 which I don't believe is current. From what I've been reading, map updates for the apps 10.x units are yet to come?
Upgraded maps DID get offered on TomTom's servers .... for about 2 days until TT discovered that too many users were having their units bricked as a result of the map update.

So, the 860 map was pulled.
Thank you

I had the same issue and called the customer support @ tomtom and resolved the issue by doing the following steps.
1.Connect the docking station (with tomtom on it) to computer using the usb cable.
2.Turn ON the tomtom
3.You will see the problem.
4.Now undock the tomtom (take the tomtom from the docking station).
5.On the bottom side of tomtom you will see a hole with reset button inside for resetting the device. Using a paper clip press and hold the reset button for 5 seconds and make sure that tomtom is off now.
6.Now place the tomtom on the dock and press the turn-on button for 3-4 seconds.
7.Now you should see that your computer detecting the device properly. :)

Even though you posted this 2 years ago it just answered my question and got my computer to see my 720 again. Thanks
I had this problem with my Go 730T. All I had to do is remove my SD memory card and I was able to connect to my computer! :)
I had this problem with my Go 730T. All I had to do is remove my SD memory card and I was able to connect to my computer! :)

That's unusual.... you should be able to use the TT to read both the internal memory (if any) AND the SD card.

Was there anything wrong with the memory card?
Inserting or removing the memory card does a full operating system reboot (if I remember properly, you'll hear the drums). So it's another way of performing a pin reset if you don't have a pin handy.
problems with tomtom 1000 live!

I have like this problems with connection to ps...with Home2 device no reconize...what i can do in this situation? sometimes write on screen display for the moment site is unaviable..and self soft for live try to conect the device but write busy..soft problems? or windows7 is the problem? Thanks in advance.
What model do you have and have you tried resetting the unit either by a pin reset if your model has a dedicated reset hole on the bottom or by holding the power button about 10 seconds till you hear the drum roll?
New 1535M is not recognized by "MyHOME" or by my PC (windows 7) doesnt show up in device manager. However on connection it does launch "MyTOMTOM" website and says i am connected...
I tried all the fixed suggested including several resets. Still no recognition by PC or HOME (actually, on connection I do get the notifier sound but not visual indicator) Please help thx

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