Go 910 loquendoTTS

I have the same problem, have formatted 910 and backup won't work managed to get everything else to work but computer voices. Not sure how to find which version I am using. Any help would be much appreciated.

Excellent news Bill.

I've just PMed you again as I sent you the very first backup I had for that device.

By the time I made the next one, I had installed the male TTS voice Simon too.

Is there a chance that you might send me those files as well please . I have the exact same problem

Thanks in advance
Looks like Andy is going to be one busy puppy. Perhaps we need to sort out how we can set up large downloads for users here. It's not something we're normally able to do, but our (web)master can probably figure it out for us.
I have it on my ftp site now and had sent the link to samjane32.

I've just PM'ed 1khan9876 with the link too.

But yes, a 'file dump' feature here would be very useful! It wouldn't need to be very large
Much appreciated, Andy. Guess we need to talk to Ian about whether he's got any FTP 'rights' on this server?
Thanks for the fast reply Andy
I have downloaded the LoquendoTTS file and used it to replace the one on my device , but although the file shows as on the device tomtom home says the voices are not compatible with the device. My device is a 910 , I am not sure if I have followed the correct method to install them. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Dave. I don't have a GO910, and wasn't sure if the files from my Go720 would work on the older model, but user "samjane32" above seems to have managed it.

From your PM (slightly different wording..
1khan9876 said:
I have unzipped to device, the voices show up in the LoquendoTTS file on the device

The files should all end up on the device in a FOLDER called "Loquendo" is that that you meant?

1khan9876 said:
....but tomtom home says they are not compatible with my device which is a 910 ,

I'm not sure you should be getting involved with "Home" at all here!
Have you just tried looking in "Change voice" on the device itself?
The GO910 is licensed to use an old version of Loquendo (6.7 or 6.8). At the time Loquendo didn't implement much compression in the engine, so the files were massively huge (about 4GB of the 20GB GO910 hard drive was dedicated to Loquendo files). Tomtom HOME has never been equipped to download the huge voice files, the only way to get them was to find someone else who had them on their GO910.

The GO520/720/920 is licensed to use the much smaller Loquendo 6.9 files, and those can be downloaded from Tomtom HOME for these models.

The mismatch of Loquendo editions is what is causing HOME to report an incompatibility. Often, Tomtom devices will still function despite mismatched Loquendo files, so if the GO910 can use a GO720 voice file then you should be fine other than Tomtom HOME's warning.

The Loquendo 6.9 files can be directly downloaded below:

In addition you need Loquendo 6.9 driver files which are included in the LoquendoTTS subfolder of the cab below:
Often, Tomtom devices will still function despite mismatched Loquendo files, so if the GO910 can use a GO720 voice file then you should be fine other than Tomtom HOME's warning.

And hopefully that's what Dave (1khan9876) found, but maybe we'll never know. :confused:
It's certainly worked for others... (vis. samjane32 above)
Sorry for not replying sooner I have been on holiday.
Often, Tomtom devices will still function despite mismatched Loquendo files, so if the GO910 can use a GO720 voice file then you should be fine other than Tomtom HOME's warning.
Im afraid that all I have tried so far does not work.
I will try mvl file downloads as soon as I can and let you know if they have worked.
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Thanks everybody for your help.
I have tried all the methods mentioned by Andy P and mvl but none work .
Although the voice show as being on the devise when connected to my computer they do not show as an option in voices on the devise.
Any other suggestions ?

When connected to Home-->Manage my Device (2nd screen)-->Items on Device-->Voices, do they show there?

Try a pin reset on the unit.
The Computer voices do not show up on the devise under voices or under voices in tomtom home , i have tried a pin reset but no change.
regards Dave

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