Go 2505 TN will not start without a plugged-in reset

Go 2505 tm

Greetings All,
I received a Go 2505 TM for a 2010 Christmas present. Worked fine until recently. Now it won't turn on unless plugged in to either my computer or car charger; if it's on in the car and I turn the switch off it stay on just fine; if it's plugged in when I start the car the unit immediately shuts down and requires a reset before it will start. It will not start at all unless plugged in and I do a reset. Same things are true if it's plugged into a pc. I suspect it has to do with the loss of power.

Thoughts or suggestions? Thanks in advance.

rainmaker, I experienced the exact situation you have described after purchasing my 2505 TM this past Christmas. I had to send the old unit in for warranty service. I received an RMA# from TomTom support and shipped the unit off. I expected them to replace the battery but they sent me a replacement unit. I am not impressed that after only 8 months, my unit failed. This will be the first and last TomTom gps unit that I will ever own.

I received a replacement and it won't connect with my computer. Unbelievable.
You are using MyTomTom, not Home 2, correct? Get it at tomtom.com/getstarted.

Also, assuming MyTomTom is installed, press the power button for about 10 seconds on the unit till you hear the drum sounds. Then connect to the computer and see if the MyTomTom desktop icon shows the unit as being connected.

Remember, your device will not show as a removable drive on your computer as pre Navcore 10X devices did.
GO 2505 TM Connection

You are using MyTomTom, not Home 2, correct? Get it at tomtom.com/getstarted.

Also, assuming MyTomTom is installed, press the power button for about 10 seconds on the unit till you hear the drum sounds. Then connect to the computer and see if the MyTomTom desktop icon shows the unit as being connected.

Remember, your device will not show as a removable drive on your computer as pre Navcore 10X devices did.

That's correct dhn, I'm not using or do not have Home 2 installed on my pc. MyTomTom is installed and I've done the reset boot with drum roll quite a few times now to no avail. Nothing changes, MyTomTom icon shows 'Not Connected'.

Gonna wipe everything TomTom software related off the pc tonight and reload it all. Maybe that will help. Otherwise, unit goes back to TomTom.

Technology is the ultimate example of man's total inferiority!
GO 2505 TM - No Maps Found

So an update to my 'Not Connected' issue earlier today...I Was able to somehow download a file from the TomTom site but after the download was finished and the gps unit was cycling through whatever it does, I was no longer able to access any maps on the unit itself.

All that appeared on the screen after turning on the unit was 'No maps found!'

So after my second call to customer support, I have another RMA# and back goes my replacement unit for the original unit.

The only consolation in all this is the kind reps with whom I was able to speak and pour out my frustrations.

I was advised that there are software issues with the GO 2505 units right now. What an understatement. When a unit bricks just out of a routine update, look out!

I think I'll just move on to Garmin and sell my replacement replacement gps unit. No hard feelings, just another nail in the old technology coffin.
A couple of things to try:

1) Make sure you use a brand new email address and create a brand new myTomtom account when you connect your replacement device. Tomtom software is supposed to be able to assign your prior email to a new device (and many support reps incorrectly believe that it works properly), but that reassignment process still has many bugs on Tomtom servers. A "no maps found" issue is most likely due to reuse of an existing account/email address.

2) Does the "connecting" error occur when the Tomtom is not plugged into the computer? If so, go into MyTomtom settings and change the "web connector port" from 4000 to 4001.

Otherwise, the issue is that the 2505 has very unreliable factory software, and the key is to update the software to the latest 10.501 as soon as you get it, and make sure you DON'T install any maps until you are on 10.501. myTomtom is notorious for installing maps first before app updates, which is a key cause of many bugs.
Guess I got lucky with my replacement. I didn't do anything, just plugged it into my PC and My TomTom came up and recognized it, downloaded several updates to get it to 10.500, then downloaded latest map, and then finally updated it to 10.501. Has been working fine so far for several weeks, but nervous it could crap out again. Hopefully 10.501 is the true fix and not some hardware issues with the battery or connector plug frying it.
Run, don't walk, to your nearest convenience store and buy yourself a lottery ticket! :)

Seriously, it's always good to hear positive feedback......
Well my replacement 2505 has crapped out after 7 months with the same battery issue. I knew I should have sold it when I first got it and it was working.

Ordered a repalcement battery off eBay and installed last night so I am working again, but for how long? Are the batteries bad or does the TomTom hardware kill the battery? Certainly not impressed with this device and sorry I jumped the gun on a new product before the reviews started coming in.

If I ever buy another TomTom, I will be sure to wait awhile until it has a proven track record. Very disappointing!!
Any chance you are still within the 1 year warranty on that unit? Even if not, I'd give them a (gentle) earful about having been through this before, and suggest that they do the right thing and send you another unit (again). After the initial builds of the 2505, we saw the battery problem pretty well disappear. I'm guessing the replacement unit you received was an early enough build to still have the marginal battery.
I'm going to resurrect a dead thread here but I have a GO 2505tm that I bought from BestBuy 2.5 years ago. I don't leave it plugged in all the time, I just keep it in my console and pull it out when I need it but since day one this GPS has given me nothing but trouble. It seems like the battery is completely useless in it, for the longest time I've only been able to turn it on if it's plugged in and I hold the power button down and do a reset.

before that issue started, I had a lot of issues with GPS connectivity.

All in all, this product is absolute garbage. If you're reading this trying to decide on a new GPS, go with Garmin and save yourself the hassle.
I believe there was a faulty batch of batteries around the time of that model. Did you ever contact customer services about the battery issue?

I'd say that's not really enough to dismiss the entire TomTom product range. Garmin have their faults too, just look at some of their user forums!
I think I attempted to contact them a while back but if I remember correctly their hours were only 9-5 or something like that and I could only contact them while at work so I don't think I ever bothered.

I forgot to mention in the last post but the reason I went online was to find out if this is a known issue, which it seems to be.

My Go2505 stopped working a couple weeks ago, wont turn on, I've plugged it in for extended periods of time and the orange light comes on but it will not turn on, even if I hold the button down (which is the only way it would turn on for most of its short life)

I doubt TomTom would do anything about this problem now even though they should since it is a factory defect, and I have no receipt I'm just going to recycle it and buy a Garmin.
MUCH cheaper to replace the battery yourself than to buy a new unit.
The original 2505 models were known to have bad batteries. Similar to the GO1000 models that have problems reported all over Tomtom's forums.

Tomtom lately seems to be warranty swapping them with 2535 models. They have a redesigned battery that seems to last much longer. In addition they built high-temp charge shut-off logic in the current software, as high-temp charging tends to kill batteries. So you should get much better life from a warranty swap, and if you are lucky you get a 2535 upgrade which gives you better voice control too.

I definitely would not recommend replacing your own battery unless you are out of warranty.
Warranty unlikely. OP notes "I have a GO 2505tm that I bought from BestBuy 2.5 years ago".

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