Distance/time remaining does not update

Jun 15, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
Hello All,

I have a TomTom START, App version 9.430.890926.2, OS 842337. I have exactly the same problem that was reported by mroshaw on 08/03/2010 (see https://www.tomtomforums.com/t22665-go550-live-distance-time-remaining-does-not-update.html). A Super Moderator, mikealder, asked him/her to specify the Navcore App version, but sadly the thread didn't continue.

My problem is exactly as mroshaw described it. The maps, and the location of my car, work fine, but the bit that does the calculations evidently believes that I haven't yet started my journey. So, the total remaining distance and time do not change, and the estimated time of arrival gets later and later because the device is still waiting for me to start moving.

This is my 2nd TomTom. Previously I had a ONE, and never had this problem. I'm wondering if it could have anything to do with the fact that I now have to specify where I am starting my journey from (a very annoying feature!). In the ONE, I only had to specify my destination, and the device immediately picked up my location and took it from there.

Any help would be gratefully received. Thanks in advance.


PS I should add that I use 2 different .mnu files, and the remark about having to specify where I am starting my journey from applies to only one of them - using the other, it is optional. But it is the file I prefer to use as it contains more options. If the reported problem turns out to be related to this, perhaps I need to create a third .mnu file??
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If you are using the normal "Drive to" or "Navigate to", you should only have to specify the starting point of your journey if you do not yet have a GPS lock when you start the planning.
Ah, that sheds some different light on it. I am surprised that using a *.mnu is causing the difference you note. Are you using the normal "Drive to" or "Navigate to" from the main page regardless of menu choice?

What happens if you temporarily disable the *.mnu structure (I know, you'll want it back!) and use the normal menu structure for your "Drive to" or "Navigate to" (I forget which the Start uses on the main page).
I can try that - though from your comment "I am surprised that using a *.mnu is causing the difference you note" it doesn't sound as if you think that is the cause of my reported problem. (Not sure what you mean by 'difference' there - difference between what and what, exactly?)
If you are using the standard "Navigate to" or "Drive to" item from either of your *.mnu menus, I would expect the behavior to be the same, although in truth, I would not have expected what you describe (having to set the start position) in either case once you have a lock.
Thank you. Can I just check that I have understood you correctly? You believe that my reported problem (Distance/time remaining does not update) is, or may be, caused by that specific behaviour in a .mnu file. If so, I can, as I mentioned in my original post, create a new .mnu file that excludes that behaviour. I'm not sure, from the direction this thread has taken, whether you are still talking about the problem, or just about the side-issue of the .mnu file, which is not in itself a problem that needs solving. I hope that's clear!
If you attempt to operate with NO *.mnu file briefly, it would be interesting to see what happens. Since the use of a *.mnu already causes one unexpected result in the way the firmware is operating, it would be interesting to see if it is causing any other unexpected results.
It does seem that, as I speculated, the use of the .mnu file containing that behaviour is the root of the problem. Using my other file does not cause the problem (on very limited testing). I shall continue to experiment, which as I don't drive every day, may take a while! Thank you.
I have had exactly the same situation as you've seen (no update of time remaining and distance remaining) in one SPECIFIC circumstance.

It has happened to me if I wanted to "Navigate to..." somewhere, but used "Advance planning" (or "Plan route") instead because I hadn't got a GPS signal yet, and then actually started driving the route.

Maybe one of your custom menus is actually asking you to create an advance planning route instead of a normal "Navigate to..." one.
Thank you. This is all helping to pinpoint the root of the problem as lying in the way that the required route-planning options are specified. I'll keep investigating, slowly ...
I've been playing around with my custom menu files, and also tried using no .mnu file. Yes, this problem definitely occurs when using 'Prepare route' (TASK_MENU_PLAN_ATOB) and not 'Plan route' (TASK_NAVIGATE_TO). The .mnu file I had been using (which I didn't create myself) omits 'Plan route', and I suppose I had got used to using 'Prepare route' and forgot that previously I had used something different. 'Prepare route' anyway seems to be a superfluous option, as you can achieve the same thing (i.e. specify your departure point before your destination) when using 'Plan route'. What I haven't yet done, but will do, is check whether doing that via 'Plan route' causes the same non-updating of remaining time and distance as doing so via 'Prepare route'.
Thanks for everyone's suggestions!
I have established that there is no difference between using, on the one hand, 'Prepare route', and on the other hand, 'Plan route' specifying my departure point before my destination, in respect of this error. But frustratingly, the error doesn't occur every time, and I haven't been able to pinpoint the exact combination of actions/circumstances that makes it happen. It's not something that I can test very often.

I've decided not to pursue this any further, though I will still be interested to hear about other people's experiences. At least I know how to avoid (or work round) the problem.

Thanks to everyone who contributed suggestions.
There shouldn't be any difference between "Prepare route" and "Plan route" (as fr as the normal TomTom menus go...). One is what the menu item is called on the older "NAV2" models, and th other is what the same menu item is called on the newer "NAV3" models.
Neither of those will update the time remaining.

To get the "normal Navigate to...." I think you need
Thank you, Andy. As I wrote above (19th June), 'Plan route' is TASK_NAVIGATE_TO. It allows me, but does not force me, to specify my departure point before my destination. 'Prepare route' is TASK_MENU_PLAN_ATOB and forces me to do so.

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