GO550 LIVE - Distance / Time Remaining does not update

Aug 3, 2010
Hi all!

Hope this is the right forum - didn't see one specifically for the 550 LIVE. Mods please relocate and accept my apologies!

I got a new GO550 yesterday and tried it out on the commute to work this morning and on the way home this evening. The traffic features work great but one thing really bugs me:

The 'Distance Remaining' and 'Time Remaining' fields on the bottom right of the screen do not update as the journey proceeds. What's really bizarre is that the 'Arrival Time' DOES update, but based on the static 'Time Remaining' data!

So I put it my route home this evening at 17:30, distance is 24 miles and time is 36 minutes. Arrival time is 18:06. By the time I pull into my drive at 18:00, the distance is STILL 24 miles and STILL 36 minutes, and the time to destination is now 18:36! Even though I've already arrived!

Any ideas what this is all about? Anyone seen the same bug?

Thanks all for your thought! :)
Welcome to TTF..

That's strange what you are describing. Haven't heard that problem reported before that I can remember. You DID have a gps satellite fix during your travel, correct?

Yup, I had a full GPS lock all the way. Really odd! It did exactly the same on the outward journey this morning.

I'll get some pics up to show what I'm getting at - maybe that'll help.
What version of Navcore software have you got installed to the 550, main menu/ Sataus and Information/ Version information, the second line of text will be the App number, this is what I am interested in - Mike

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