You have 9.541 code, and we dare not back up from that since if we were to, for example, attempt to load an old code version such as 9.061 (the last full one I have here for the xxl2009 TTS units), there would most likely be what we'll call a 'bootloader mismatch' (the underlying OS code wouldn't match the navigation firmware).
I'm going to try something totally weird here.
IF the issue has to do with the mapsettings.cfg file (and I'm betting that's not all of the issue here), adding one to your United_States map folder might get it out of the loop.
I'm going to zip up a mapsettings.cfg file from one of my older units that is also running your 9.541 code. Please unzip it into your United_States map folder and see what happens. Understand that the content that results (settings, favorites, whatever) will be my old data, and you'll need to get rid of all of that - if it boots.
If not, I'm out of ideas on this one.