XXL540 TM problems (resolved).

MVL - so sorry. NOPE. Doesn't work.

I was not stating it wasn't scrolling (it was); just HOME started out with something really, really low - then updated to 9.053 (which was also scrolling) -but I thought it would probably work when all done... With all the scrolling though (in 9.053) you could somewhat see the red/pink of "can't use map."

Currently updated to: 9.058

Buttons don't work. (Have to go into HOME emulator)

One Computer voice (Bonnie) although installed - freezes on that screen that we have no voice... And buttons don't work - (you can't test/select etc.) voice because buttons don't respond...

And the buttons would not be responding - because the map is not being allowed to be used. :confused:

Sorry this whole license thing didn't work out. Would have been nice.... Any other ideas?? Course, you suggested purchasing another XXL540TM from a Brick Mortar - so that I could check versions numbers. Guess that would keep me with the Lat/Long

Does the next v update kill all the previous work??

During this last process - I really got high hopes that this was going to do it.... oh well.


app: 9.058.568435.103
OS 1000
gps v1.20
Boot: 1.0012
Map: v865.3254

I forget what the OS was original - but it was not '1000'

That's been the number with the 9.103 as well... wonder if the OS is the problem with this specific device hardware. Or the Boot version....

Anyway - the map is not allowed to be used... any license files or something to get it to be usable?? All I have to do is just copy paste my old backup - and it will function. Just no emulator ability.
MVL & DHN - thanks much for your suggestions and help.

Previous - MVL made a couple of remarks about the 'garbage' firmware coming out of Amazon.

I was thinking somewhat of purchasing an XXL550TM and doing the hacks.... but I guess if I purchase a different XXL540TM from a Brick & Mortar - I might get one with an older firmware - which could be successfully dealt with...

I also do wonder if this might have something to do with the Lifetime map activation - which I have not done - so that I could still possibly return it... since the unit is always stating: "can't use the map..."

I have located a Brick Mortar; and am planning on purchasing a 540 from them; and then probably returning the unit from Amazon to that store. Amazon had a much better price.

However - if they track serial numbers of purchase - then I can't do that; (even though same device); and at that point - it is either purchase a Garmin (which has come out with lifetime maps and updates); or a 550 and do the hacks; OR to warranty this unit back to TomTom - and request (demand) they send out a 540 which has the capability of being updated using the 9.058 - so that EVERYTHING works... This takes more time; and store returns and all - are all time based. But it does put the problem squarely back to where it belongs - on TomTom.

Truly appreciate your suggestions and the willingness to help.:)


David S.
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You have to go to "finish", and then rerun the program each time.

It should show a screen you've never seen before on the Tomtom, a blank screen with a split second status bar moving across the bottom very quickly. That's how you know it ran.

I've never seen that!

I get the normal "Do not remove" red cross screen and a flashing disk drive symbol for a few seconds.
Yes Andy - that is what I observed as well...

Flashing made no diff in this instance.

SO -

Talked with TomTom Support. After proving that I purchased this unit just about a week ago - they are sending out a new unit.

I know Tech Support seems to basically state anything they feel you won't understand - (from other posts and my own experiences) BUT - the guy we spoke with this time ended up being quite stumped that the map 865 will not work - unless we do not have emulator function. He stated that a 'bug' must exist in the 9.061 (duh) software - not allowing the map to function after I've downgraded the app to 9.058; or the 9.103

We asked several times for them to reset the server - (so the device would not know that I had utilized the 30 day guarantee) - but he stated that if TomTom HOME downloaded a map - the map was authorized for the device. So an internal problem must exist with the hardware and the 9.061 software... since if the map loads onto the device by HOME - then it SHOULD work...

As my wife talked with Tech Support - they have just stated that they will only send a new unit - AFTER we send out the old... so now we have to talk to Amazon and find out if they record serial numbers... We offered a Cred Number - but Tom Tom warranty replacement did not care... do understand our concern. So we are going to talk to Amazon, and if they are agreeable - we will be having TomTom replace. There ya go!
Lots ya didn't need to know. Cheers!
Check TT unit BIO

Just a idea
here is how to check the TT unit bio
donot connect to TT home
do a solf reset but hold power button down past the drum roll, the next screen will list the unit bio and chipset as well as other info that may be of interest in solving some problems

note the applications are not part of the bio

this is the protective area.

never replace the bootloader as this will flash the bio.

540XXl TM app9.103 map 865
I have the exact same problem with that same model XXL 540TM bought from Amazon.
TomTom tech support has been of no help.
I'm keeping mine in the off chance that they will fix the emulator problem.
I am nagging them by keeping a support ticket going on it and renewing my request that they fix this problem every few days (otherwise the support ticket gets erased).
We could use more people to complain and put in support tickets on this issue until they get sick of looking at them and start nagging their software guys to fix it.
I have been using the device and really really like it other than this one issue. It has its quirks but it really has some great features.
Also, I'm too lazy to go through all the rigmarole of returning this one and getting another; I just went through returning a camera and getting it fixed. sigh
Bily42 -

Understand totally. Although - TomTom has known about this problem - for quite some time. So, not sure that they are actually going to fix it. Probably one of the reason they are moving to the brain dead "easy menu's" Less features, people don't know they have less features; and less complaints.

If you would like the advertised features of the unit - Amazon has an easy 30 day return policy. Generally, a unit purchased from a Brick Mortar store - may not even need to have the app updated. Or the app is older, and can be easily updated to an app that works - so that you have all of your features.

The "Operate My XXL" with TT Home gives the "Pin Code" function; and allows you to interface with Google and such. And more easily preview various routes. And, I believe that you can import Itinerary routes into the unit from Home as well.

Other than the 'Pin' and Google - everything else can be done from the Unit. (The Pin is the anti-theft deterrent). Will not function without the pin code. Makes them harder to sell, and lets a buyer know the device was stolen....

Yikes! I'm new to GPS receivers.
I don't like what I'm reading here. I just got my first GPS TomTom XXL540TM.
I haven't done anything but turn it on and set the voice preference. Before doing anything else I decided that I better charge it up fully.

What I am wondering now, is do I need to save the map files from the TT to my computer before I download any updates from TomTom Home?

If I can do that. how do I go about doing it. Are there instructions somewhere?

Thanks. Hope for a reply soon.
Yikes! I'm new to GPS receivers.
I don't like what I'm reading here. I just got my first GPS TomTom XXL540TM.
I haven't done anything but turn it on and set the voice preference. Before doing anything else I decided that I better charge it up fully.

What I am wondering now, is do I need to save the map files from the TT to my computer before I download any updates from TomTom Home?

If I can do that. how do I go about doing it. Are there instructions somewhere?

Thanks. Hope for a reply soon.

Don't worry. TomTom has fixed this problem as of yesterday - yay, TomTom, BUT, before you do ANYTHING, create a folder on your PC for a TomTom backup, then connect your TomTom and select all and copy all files on your TomTom to that folder.
Then go to TomTom.com, install the TomTom software for PC, start it up and click on the update button. Do all updates except for the map update (for now).
I'll let other people on this board advise you further since I am a newbie myself.
Basically, you can relax though, this particular problem described in this thread has been fixed. :)
Tnx for the reply, I was able to download TT Home sucessfully. Also have a folder called TomTom. I didn't get your reply and instruction until this morning. So I did not transfer TomTom files to computer. Iast night I started the download of current maps and went to bed. It was going to to take 3.5 hrs to download. Morning came and The maps download was sucessful. this morning I finished the process and copied the TomTom files to computer. All went well. Got lucky I guess.

Now back to down loading maps: When I went to do this, I was not asked for the activation code before the process started, so I let it continue. So after all the downloading was done this morning I tried to activate my code but I kept getting an error to try again later.
I'm wondering since I have done the first free download, that may be the reason I am getting an error. Maybe I went about it the wrong way at first.
Maybe when the next maps update is available it will take my activation code??
Update: Activation code entry successful. But says I need to download maps version 865.3254.

How do I check for what the version that I already downloaded is before I do another download. It really takes a long time to do a download even on broadband.

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