XXL updated. Help!

Jun 8, 2021
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Here's the whole sequence.
I fitted a new battery in my XXL IQ Edition. No problems - worked OK.
Updated the device and like a fool selected maps Central Europe. Works OK - but now I don't have a map of the UK - that's on Western Europe. The TomTom site will not allow me to delete the map and install Western Europe.
No problem I hear you cry - install the backup.
But I have a big problem as the backup is corrupted. And a secondary backup that I have is not recognised.
I live near Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Is there anyone that runs a XXL and has a backup with a UK map on it?
Or any other suggestion?

Maps are assigned to devices by serial number so trying to use a map copy from someone else won't help.

You may try support CHAT to see whether a fresh copy of the proper map can be assigned to your account:

United Kingdom
02079 490 134
Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
I cannot use CHAT unless I input the serial number. The sticker on the XXL got destroyed when I renewed the battery....
You will find your serial number in a file called ttgo.bif in the root of your device. Hook up to your PC and have a look inside your device.

Open ttgo.bif with any simple text editor and look for the line that reads "DeviceSerialNumber=". Should be the third item from the top.
You will find your serial number in a file called ttgo.bif in the root of your device. Hook up to your PC and have a look inside your device.

Open ttgo.bif with any simple text editor and look for the line that reads "DeviceSerialNumber=". Should be the third item from the top.
Thanks. At least I've managed to do that!

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