[x10] TomTom's Claim your FREE Windshield mount here

Hey guys, we have an update from TomTom on this issue.

TomTom looked into the orders and confirmed that they started receiving orders as early as last Wednesday, and also confirmed seeing the orders of tomromforums.com members. You can still expect to receive your orders within 2-4 weeks.

We were assured that if anyone has any concerns about not receiving their order, just let Myself or John know and we can pass along your email to TomTom and they will pull up your order status personally.

So it looks like they are on top of things! If you have any more questions please post them here...TomTom WILL see :)
The TomTom rep's response is a great endorsement of the usefulness of this forum. I lurk and sometimes post on Macintosh newsgroups. Word from Apple sometimes filters in, but never directly. It looks like TomTom and the TomTomforums user group may have a closer, mutually advantageous relationship. That's great!
I received my new mount on monday...It looks like the replacement mount is identical to the old one with one exception...It looks VISIBLY like someone took a file and made a small slice on the ball bearing :) This is much like the "temporary' fix that TomTom suggested....

It does not feel as strong as the "permanent fix" located here:


I am fairly certain I follwed that link from here....

I will see how this one performs....and let you guys know...

BTW: It came from "NWP Fullfillment Center" in Texas.
Anybody else receive their replacement mount?
tomtom takes forever to send me their goodies. It took me 1 month+ to get my replacement home dock.
Hi, I'm having troubles with the serial.. It keeps saying invalid format or incorrect..

It asked me for a serial when I ordered free maps and it was fine..

The serial on my TT is a bit odd.. Letter, #s then | and more numbers.. I'm wondering about the | - could it be an I or I or i? .. I tried them all - doesn't work.. I have legit TT of course :)

What's the format for the serial numbers for TT?
I tried that a couple of times. I think it wouldn't even put me on hold - just said unavailable at this time. I'll try again, but I think their support is hard to get a hold of..

I just spent 30 mins on the line and wasn't able to talk to anyone at TT support. This is frustrating. On the website, it keeps saying "invalid format" when I made sure it's the correct serial number (worked for the new maps upgrade). Sigh.
I'm getting the same issue with the invalid serial format issue, I copy and paste from the TTHome. Kinda frustrating.
TomTom Mount - Some Useful Info from TT Tech Support

Just got off the phone with TT Tech Support where I found out a few things of interest:

1) If the web page says that your S/N is in an Invalid format then it means that you already have the new mount

2) The new version of the mount has a double lock on it. Turn it to the first position to secure it to the windshield. After you put your TT on it and set the position, grab the lock ring and turn it about an 1/8 turn more (it will be very hard to turn but it will move). It will snap into a new position and lock the pivot.

Just went out to mine while on the phone with support and did the above. Man, is that thing solid now!
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The old version also has the double lock on it.
Yes, the old one has the double lock on it but according the tech support rep I spoke to, the lock on the old one did not work due to a manufacturing error. Hence, the free replacement of any of the older units.
I had no problems with my 2nd lock.
Interesting, because other users haven't been complaining about the mount not locking.
I still don't think the mount and the unit has a great design for full support.
Anyone trying to follow the link for a free replacement, it's apparently expired. Guess they fixed it and have included new mounts in all shipping products now.

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