Why are certain colours used on Satellite navigation systems

Nov 16, 2011
Hello guys, I'm doing a report at University and I just need some information on why satellite navigation devices use certain colors? Is it as simple as green is used to show green land, Brown for woodland, blue water, etc... or is there more too it? like bright colors are used to clearly show the user what areas are....

I'm struggling a little so any information you guys have would be great

Obviously most map colour schemes tend to use green for countryside, brown for built-up areas and blue for water, simply because that's what the vast majority of paper maps use.
But after that, there is great variation in the other colours used.

On the TomTom models, the user has the option to change between several built-in colour schemes for the maps, and if none of those suit, then you can create and add your own, or load ones made by others.

One of the major personalisations people will want are the colours of the different road types.
None of the built-in colour schemes match the colours used in the UK very well so I've added a scheme called "GB_New" which gives me the blue motorways I expect to see.
On Ordinance Survey paper maps, I think "A-roads" are drawn in red, but that would conflict with the red used on the TomTom for your chosen route, so I have opted for Yellow for all major roads and white for minor ones.
Other colours are used for paths and tracks, ferries, airports etc.

Most people probably opt for one of the built-in schemes, and possibly they simply choose one which has an overall "tint" or "colour cast" to match the colour scheme of their car!

Hope that's some help, we could provide some example pictures of the colour schemes available if they would be useful.

Also, you might like to look at some free PC software for creating and editing the colours used.
It's called "Colour Scheme Editor" and it can be downloaded from here.

There are also lots of downloadable colour schemes available on there to try.
That's all great stuff Andy and will really help me with my report. could you send me some example images that you may have that will be great , I did find little information on colour and the roles of color on maps but not much relating to Navigation devices. So your info does help. Anything about the devices changing color to night mode, I have talk about how dull colours are used during the night to prevent the drivers attention been drawn to the system allowing them to concentrate more on the road etc.

Thanks for your help :)
Another little tidbit: Both green and red are common color-blind colors, and thus make poor choices for highlighting routes. Garmin avoided those years ago, using magenta for the all-important routing highlight color. It took TomTom a bit longer to recognize that IIRC.
Yes, I was going to mention that you'll only get examples of TomTom colours from me.... you need to ask a Garmin aficionado to do the same with their colours to get a comparison.

TO avoid cluttering up the forum, shall I email the pics to you? PM me with an email address.

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