XXL 540 clean installation. It is pretty well shielded from direct sun, but am getting some glare from the steering column. Will try to angle the screen a bit. Anyone know of an effective antiglare screen protector for the TT that doesn't kill the touch function. Have added some foam rubber under the center of the unit to stop the annoying wiggle/vibration of the unit. Wouldn't be as noticeable without the glare on the screen. My Nuvi was better at handling the glare, but I think I am liking some aspects of the TT better & it may win a permanent place in my dash.
BTW I was on a Pink Floyd rediscovery kick for a few days when I found the pig in a school parking lot. I took is as a "sign" & adopted it. Of course it is named Floyd.
BTW I was on a Pink Floyd rediscovery kick for a few days when I found the pig in a school parking lot. I took is as a "sign" & adopted it. Of course it is named Floyd.
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