Newbie needs advice

Mar 5, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
Hi Folks
Unfortunatley my faithful XL has died , I am looking around for a new TomTom and have looked at the Start 20 ( purely for the UK ) . I am worried that all the POI's I have may not be able to be put onto the device . I have read somehwere that the new Tom Tom software prohibits the addition of some POI's , such as The National trust , RSPB and Wild Camping . these are Poi's not normally availble on the list on the website , but are produced by the respective organisations . Can any of the the experts advise me ?

Custom poi files should be able to be added to that model as long as they are in the proper ov2 tomtom format
I am worried that all the POI's I have may not be able to be put onto the device . I have read somehwere that the new Tom Tom software prohibits the addition of some POI's , such as The National trust , RSPB and Wild Camping . these are Poi's not normally availble on the list on the website , but are produced by the respective organisations.
As dhn said, you need to make sure that the POI files are in TomTom's .ov2 format.

Also, you may have seen statements like this because there were problems adding third-party POI files when Tomtom introduced the newer models that interface to your computer with the "MyTomTom" software instead of the older "HOME2" software. Those problems with the "MyTomTom" software have since been resolved.

With best wishes,
- Tom -
Even if they are not in TomTom's ov2 format there are on-line or downloadable converters from other formats.

I have taken the RSPB's POI file and merged it with my own created one of Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust sites to create a generic "Birds" POI file for my TomTom.

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