Where to stick TomTom

There are many proprietary "label remover" solvents that are safe to use on plastics (a lot of them use citrus-like compounds).

BTW... WD40 *is* a lubricant, just not a terribly good one.
(and as you know it was not originally designed as one).
One we've had some success with here is called "Goo Gone".
Lighter fluid and bean bag

Dear Jim407,
You are the only other person I have ever met who knows the lighter fluid trick--except where I learned it when I worked at Tiffany's in Chicago to put myself through college. The staff there removed all glued on material from silver, crystal and china with lighter fluid.

It is the best thing in the world for getting my village sticker off my windshield and removing any sticky residue or tag from anything.

The bean bag comes with a little "hook" that is supposed to stick to the dashboard and leave a tiny footprint--about a square inch of sticky plastic. The hook protrudes from the square piece and grabs onto a small loop on the back of the bean bag.

But I put the bean bag sans hook on my dash and it is so heavy and evenly weighted that it does not move around even when my purse falls off the passenger seat during a slightly fast turn.

Even if the bean bag's loop was on the hook, it could still move around with a heavy brake or too fast turn, and defeat the purpose of keeping the bean bag from sliding. I think I will do fine using the bean bag alone. Unless I am in an accident or have to brake very hard very fast and then the state of my GPS will be the least of my worries.

Got a great price on the bean bag for less than $10 from Amazon. The exact same one (model number identical) sells for $20 elsewhere. It is heavy and stable and I am quite impressed with how and where it lets me position the GPS.

Thanks again for the continuing ideas.
@Mishkyn and others...
Be circumspect about your use of lighter fluid. It's naphtha based fluid that will function as a dandy solvent on some plastics, and even when it doesn't seriously dissolve the plastic, it can create a very hazy surface. Always test in some innocuous spot first!
You are absolutely correct about testing first, I always do, or you run the chance of ruining what you are trying to remove the label from. The odor of lighter fluid gives me a headache, so I have tried anything I could purchase, including everything mentioned here, and unfortunately, nothing has worked as well, as quickly and as thoroughly as lighter fluid. And most things I bought have not worked at all.

I even tried peanut butter which someone on a household forum recommended. That worked the worst!

I have not personally had any problem with it destroying or hazing any plastic, and I have been using it over 40 years. But any substance that strong is not something to use without precautions and testing. I always wear heavy gloves of some strong material, and work outside or in the garage.
The odor of lighter fluid gives me a headache, so I have tried anything I could purchase, including everything mentioned here, and unfortunately, nothing has worked as well, as quickly and as thoroughly as lighter fluid.

Elecctrolube "LRM" is my glue solvent of choice.

Comes in many sizes and delivery styles, currently I have a one litre can.:)
Interesting stuff. A different twist on one of the citrus based products that I've had pretty good luck with before like "The Orange Solution" and similar.

"Rats", I thought, "They're based in LEICESTERSHIRE!"

But wait! Worldwide distribution!
Checked their web site, and low and behold... two local sources!

HIsco - Denver

Fastenal Company

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