What does "useful life" mean?

That and I'd like a newer map anyway. I'm "due" for one. I got a new car with nav which is why I've put it off for a bit but now that they're both getting "old", the TT has the older map so I figured I'll update that first (plus it's cheaper. You don't wanna know what Toyota charges for theirs)
In case you are not already aware of the option, my daughter tells me that she updates her Toyota map by purchasing a year-old version on eBay from someone who has purchased the latest version from Toyota and is selling their map from the previous year. Apparently the Toyota map is on a DVD that can be moved from vehicle to vehicle.

It's still overpriced by my standards, but she says that it is a big savings when compared to buying a "new" map.

With best wishes,
- Tom -
You can take a peek at the current state of mapping by pretending to want to suggest a change to their maps. Use this site, and dial in the location(s) that interest you.
If you see something you don't like, you can make the recommendations while you're there. They keep track of your suggestions (you give an email address so they can track your specific requests) and you can watch as thing progress over time. Still takes as many as 9 months (two releases past current) to get changes incorporated after they pass review, but it's better than nothing.

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