WARNING!! --> Potential Removal of Features Coming

That's it, TomTom want's to promote it's sales by screwing it's customers. Some people are so full of themselves!!!

The Go 720 model was never intended to have the VR feature in the states, the Go 920 was. They, as in TomTom, are working on getting it FULLY FUNCTIONAL on both models, as well as the 730 and 930 which are out now.

Stop crying about silly shit people.

Let's see:

1. A firmware update that disabled the 'auto power on function'
2. North american 920 users being refused upgrades for both NA & European maps.
3. A firmware update that broke VR on all x20 models
4. 930 users finding that VR only works on EITHER the NA map OR the European map, depending upon where the user bought the unit.
5. Today, a European map 8.05 was released for 930 users BUT one user was informed that the 'map guarantee' does NOT apply to version 8.0 maps!
6. A firmware update that causes users to 'lose' their computer voice settings ...
etc., etc.,

Nah.....TT isn't out to screw the customers ... much!

(and if you think that TT is working hard to make sure NA 720 users are able to retain VR, I'm afraid you are mistaken.....)
I just spoke to Mathew @ TT and he claimed that "IF" VR can be programed to work for both Canada & US maps, (without problems) then the 720 will continue to benefit from it. However if US maps continue to act up then its gone.
I called tech because my VR will work while in Canada but not when I switch to a US address.

I really dont understand how the map has anything to do with it...but what do I know

The maps have cspeech_XXX files that are used for vocal entering of addresses. The XXX corresponds to a state or CAN for Canada. Those files are quite large.
Gotcha...now I understand. So if they disable it for the maps, they disable it across the board
Gotcha...now I understand. So if they disable it for the maps, they disable it across the board

If a map does not have those cspeech_XXX.dat files, voice recognition will not work towards navigating to a destination. Apart from the memory, the x20 and x30 are quite similar internal hardware wise, based on the same integrated Samsung chipset.

I'm getting the impression Tomtom is a bit panicky. I just read a few messages about how the first batch of new ONEs are defective, how the GO x30, IMHO, has been rushed out with many reporting problems. The company has not made the profits it expected and guess the pressure is getting strong. Particularly so with the deal to buy TeleAtlas for a hefty sum. I'm now wondering if they would not prefer the deal turned down by the authorities.
I was sent a survey from their technical support dept. and I made it known that this functionality should be provided to all customers that paid for this device and it's not fair for some to have it and some not to have it.

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