WARNING: Explicit TomTom Voices

The old "Ozzy Osbourne" TT voice had a clean version and an explicit version. The explicit one was clearly marked on the icon (and the voice name, I think). I never had to worry that I wouldn't know what was loaded and Mom would hear Ozzy say "fooking destination". ;)
Yup. That's the problem.

Having raised 3 children , I just can't imagine gettin' my panties all ruffled up over some voices. Of all the concerns we have as parents, how'd this one rate the time to actually write a letter addressing such a petty issue ?

Jerry Falwell would be proud of you.
Having raised 3 children , I just can't imagine gettin' my panties all ruffled up over some voices. Of all the concerns we have as parents, how'd this one rate the time to actually write a letter addressing such a petty issue ?

Jerry Falwell would be proud of you.

Having raised seven kids, and an eighth on the way, I don't understand how you missed the point of this post! My kids certainly understand it.
I missed the point ? Me ?

You're pulling my leg ,right ?

You're trying out the Voices with your ten year old over your shoulder. You click on one and hear the woman say, "You've arrived at your destination. Now get of your car, get in my house, and f--- me."

You don't get the point? What kind of parent are you?
You're trying out the Voices with your ten year old over your shoulder. You click on one and hear the woman say, "You've arrived at your destination. Now get of your car, get in my house, and f--- me."

You don't get the point? What kind of parent are you?

Case in point that often "supervisors need supervising"

And of course you had no clue, as to the content of the voices you were clicking on. Of course you didn't.

This is hardly the place to be hanging out laundry, of the uninformed.
Ah........ not really.

My obvious sarcasm went over your head at 13MPH

Hmmm.... How am I supposed to know that "Randy Rob" is an offensive voice? Indeed, let the uniformed go somewhere else, please. I'm right on this. Be a good dad (or mom), and agree.
Hmmm.... How am I supposed to know that "Randy Rob" is an offensive voice? Indeed, let the uniformed go somewhere else, please. I'm right on this. Be a good dad (or mom), and agree.

Carbon copy time:

Case in point that often "supervisors need supervising"

This is hardly the place to be hanging out laundry, of the uninformed
So with your 10 YO in the room you "accidentally" click on..

Naughty Natalie -who is ...wet as He77? (that's a guess, because that is the only female voice that sounded bad when I clicked it)

The Naughty didn't give you any clue as to the files appropriateness for young children?

You probably should have just chosen "The Voice of God" or "Chip and Dale..."

Side note, your post did get me onto the TT site again looking at voices. There are some voices out there that have been asked for on this forum in the past.
So with your 10 YO in the room you "accidentally" click on..

Naughty Natalie -who is ...wet as He77?

The one I heard [without any indication of slime] was Randy Rob. Besides... what is Naught Natalie doing on TomTom's professional browser anyway?? That's just bloody sleazy for a supposedly world class company. I did listen to her... I thought it might just be some silly slinky voice.

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Obviously, you're unfamiliar with British slang or you would have realized that Randy was not Mr. Rob's first name. It means 'h**ny' and would have given any european a hint of what was to come. TomTom has been accused of being Eurocentric and not catering enough to the US/Canadian customers. While I think we Canadians lean more toward the european sensibilities, TomTom probably should label the voices for the American far right. I note that you don't allow your children to have free access to internet or television. I have to assume that if you've been successful in shielding them from the wicked world they wouldn't understand what the comment 'come in the house and ...me' means. Honestly I shudder to think that the home of free speech seems to have so many people who think free speech only applies if it agrees with their beliefs. I do think that you are quite right to take your concerns to TomTom as you feel quite strongly about it. Most people on this site seem to disagree with you. I for one have not appreciated your using this site to sermonize on your beliefs.

PS: If I have incorrectly assumed you are from the US I do apologize. Also, I mean no disrespect for any Americans
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I for one have not appreciated your using this site to sermonize on your beliefs.

Dear "drifter"

Well, I am a Canadian who is definitely not in agreement with you. Most Canadians I know would take great offense... sorry you're out of touch! Don't paint my fellow countrymen as a mindless mob needing horny Rob.

Regarding the moral debate (which I totally anticipated), I did not initiate it. I merely asked TomTom to label their voices for the sake of those who are less "Eurocentric" and posted a warning which the first few posters essentially agreed with. If you read the whole thread, you'll see you are in the minority.

Rather, it is other's who have engaged me on how I should parent, how I should browse TomTom, and what or what I should not say here. Funny how "tolerance" is only a word when it comes to those you disagree with. You don't like my comments? Then let me use the prevalent argument here: you don't like 'em, don't read 'em!
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Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that I don't like your comments. You are perfectly free to have any beliefs you want. I only meant that I didn't agree with you using a site meant to discuss GPS issues to discuss your religious beliefs. I reiterate, take it up with TOmTom. Again, my most abject apologies to all Americans, he's one of ours!!
I only meant that I didn't agree with you using a site meant to discuss GPS issues to discuss your religious beliefs.

I agree---GPS is what this website is for. But it hasn't stopped you or anybody else from pontificating their own beliefs on free speech and making moral judgments as to who is "right wing", who is more European, who is more American... (good grief). Look, this argument is so silly, I'll sit here and morally debate as long as you all want. But that's not why I posted this thread. Not for a minute. Y'all want to talk about parenting and morality on this thread, I'll respond. But that's not what this is about.

So I agree, drifter, please stay on topic. If you disagree with TomTom labeling their Voices, that's fine. In fact, I didn't even ask them to censor them, just label them out of respect and "tolerance" for ALL users. Isn't this, after all, your philosophy?
Actually it was you who brought the religious reference when you referred to my avatar... :)

Good thing there are proponents of free speech here, or I'd be toast! I forgot about that rule: you can talk about morality as long as you don't say the "J" word. You can even use Him in an avatar, just don't quote Him (even if the avatar mocks the representation of Him. That's okay, of course---as long as it's not Muhammad).

Listen... to calm the fears that the "religious right" is going to bring the GPS world to a standstill by asking for a modicum of decency, here is a suggestion sure to appease the defenders of freedom here, because you know, I can't control it:

Buy a TT 920, record your own voice making a raunchy right turn and a lustful left. Crank it up in your car so your kids can be formed in the "real" world, and go to town! Turn left, turn right, keep going in circles until your children understand the value of an open mind.

Better yet, hire Eminem to voice it for you. Your kids will love you.

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