Waccy baccy now legal in Colorado

Sep 5, 2013
London UK
TomTom Model(s)
GO500, GO 720 Mio? Geographers A-Z book
I hope all you Toms from Colorado are not enticed by the legality of this drug. It will not improve your navigation and may lead to health problems in the long term.
Aye to the navigation issue. From what I've heard of the quality of what's being sold, you'd need a GPS to remind you of where it was you were going. That said, there are measurement methods and penalties for driving under the influence that are included in the set of rules enacted.
Aye to the navigation issue. From what I've heard of the quality of what's being sold, you'd need a GPS to remind you of where it was you were going. That said, there are measurement methods and penalties for driving under the influence that are included in the set of rules enacted.

I'm pleased to hear of the penalties for driving under the influence. I hope most are deterred. Sky News showed people queuing up for their first legal high. I hope they review the situation regularly. Glad you are not tempted to try it.
To be honest I see this as a very positive step. Colorado seems to be the first US state to legalise marijuana for recreational use, but I believe that sevaral others have already relaxed their laws to allow medicinal use.
There are some compelling arguments for it and cases of amazing improvements in people where conventional medicine has completely failed to give them relief from some serious symptoms, especially in cases of Parkinson's disease and other neurological conditions, and pain relief from cancer (or some of the side effects like nausea from chemotherapy)

It's repeately been shown to have far less harmful effects than alcohol use.
Major difference: After a couple of beers, I can remember where I parked my car. As I will attempt to recall from my misspent youth, we couldn't even remember who drove.
I'm certainly not suggesting anyone drives on ANY intoxicants!
Yes, but we don't usually serve them as big here, Andy. Asking for a pint here (besides getting you a very strange look) is more on the order of asking for a pair of normal sized glasses of beer (with exceptions, of course). Our current typical limit here is 0.08%, though for commercial drivers, it's not uncommon to find a lower limit of 0.04%. Colorado has a more novel approach -- they agree that a DUI kicks in at 0.08% for non-commercial, but will ding you just as quickly at 0.05% for DWAI (driving while ability impaired). Two glasses of wine of 150ml each with dinner will, according to many studies, put a person my size over the 0.05% Colorado limit.

One does wonder about the numbers...
Have they come up with any reliable tests (and quantifiable limits) for driving under the influence of dope?

Another thing I was wondering is what happens to companies that had mandatory drug testing for their employees?
Do they now have to ignore a positive result for marijuana (since it's legal) or can they still make their own rules?
Yes, they have a pretty accurate test for THC concentration.

Because it's still technically a federal issue, any employer can fall back on that as a reason to fire. But in many states, they can fire you for not liking the brand of toothpaste you use ('at will' states). It's not like the EU where so many have employment contracts and heavy penalties for letting someone go. So really, nothing has changed in that regard.

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