Voting thread for known unresolved bugs

Tom Tom 730

Will not power off. After shutdown it will restart after 5 seconds. Hard reset will fix. 5

I haven't seen this reported by others. You may have a corrupt applicaiton. I suggest trying a full wipe/reformat of your Tomtom.

First backup everything per this link. Then follow these steps to do a reformat / reinstall.

If you have any issues you can always restore from backup.
1. FLICKERING SCREEN (Could this issue possibly be related to extreme hot or cold temperatures? I've also seen others mention things like volume, screen brightness, etc.), TomTom GO 510, App 7.903.

2. EXTREMELY SLUGGISH EMULATOR BEHAVIOR when GO is connected to PC, TomTom GO 510, App 7.903, HOME version (Note--I have tried uninstalling/reinstalling HOME to correct this issue, not successful.)

3. INABILITY TO PLAN A ROUTE because TomTom GO 510 plans based upon the current GPS location (and map does not show a connecting road). It would be nice if I could "bridge the gap" between my physical GPS location and the CLOSEST CONNECTING ROAD, and THEN continue planning the route. Perhaps a function could be included where I could DRAW IN A CONNECTING ROAD ON MY OWN, just so I can navigate to the nearest road! As it is now, it is useless trying to plan routes from my current GPS location (home!).
heres one i will be talking on my go 630 all of a sudden a loud noise comes over the speaker. then the go630 freezes. then resets it self. are you kidding me. flabergasted
All, I updated the list at the beginning of this post.

I removed the PLUS traffic 15 minute delay, as it appears to be resolved.

I changed the "map too big" issue to the ONE XL-S only. A new smaller map was released for the ONE 140s and XL 340s.

Saganized - given your suspicious SD card size in your separate post here, can you switch SD cards to rule out memory card failure, before I add your issues to the list? Tomtom runs best on 66x speed or higher.

Regarding planning a route, I created a separate thread and responded with an option here.

Maxe, I included your issue as a vote for the bluetooth handsfree crash bug.

I also updated my vote for the bluetooth handsfree crash to a 3.

Everyone, keep the votes coming, and don't forget to re-vote for other members' issues that also impact you.
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The function of the left and right buttons when the TomTom is operated in Left Hand mode are not consistant. For example, on some of the screen the left button will activate the right button displayed on the screen and vice versa.
I'm going to buy a GPS for my daughter, but this issue will prevent me from buying a TomTom:

"favorites not retained after map update"

How dumb is it to allow me/her to set dozens of destinations, only to have them flushed after *paying* for a new map? Rate that a 5, because it's going to have me buying a competitor's product.
Robert, if you use a custom POI file on the device to store locations you can enter thousands of points each with their own phone number if you want to, these will survive a map update, the days of using Favourites are long since passed for me - Mike
Robert, if you use a custom POI file on the device to store locations you can enter thousands of points each with their own phone number if you want to, these will survive a map update, the days of using Favourites are long since passed for me - Mike

That's what I've started doing, now that I've discovered how to create POI files with online tools. My local credit union branches and Dance Dance Revolution locations are in POI files. But places that I pull up to and find interesting -- hitting "Set Favorite" is the best way to take care of that.

Plus, the POI route still requires a lot more technical knowledge than my daughter is interested in learning. She prefers horses to computers -- greater level of complexity, but fuzzier. I love the hackability of my TomTom, but I wouldn't give one to anyone who isn't comfortable with file manipulation -- and basic Linux concepts.
Let her use Favourites and from time to time convert them to a custom POI file, you can open the file the favourites are stored in using a free to use application called POIEdit, this can then save the data in ov2 format, you can also use it to concatenate POI files, its available from Here
The favourites are stored in a file named "MapSettings.cfg" which you will find in the active map folder on the device - Mike
That's what I've started doing, now that I've discovered how to create POI files with online tools. My local credit union branches and Dance Dance Revolution locations are in POI files. But places that I pull up to and find interesting -- hitting "Set Favorite" is the best way to take care of that.

Plus, the POI route still requires a lot more technical knowledge than my daughter is interested in learning. She prefers horses to computers -- greater level of complexity, but fuzzier. I love the hackability of my TomTom, but I wouldn't give one to anyone who isn't comfortable with file manipulation -- and basic Linux concepts.

You can follow these steps prior to a map update to retain favorites.

Now if Tomtom did that automatically, then things would be great. Who knows, maybe Home 2.7 now retains favorites. We'll know when the new map is out in a couple of days.
A poster getting the 835 WE map said his mapsettings.cfg file was retained but others are suffering the reboot problem after installation.
A poster getting the 835 WE map said his mapsettings.cfg file was retained but others are suffering the reboot problem after installation.

I got the quarterly update (US 835.2420) with Home 2.7 -- and my favorites were preserved! I can give my daughter a TomTom for her birthday after all. Yes!
v835 maps and Traffic not working:

Home seems to be incapable of installing the following two files to the device during the map upgrade:


The device will refuse to use RDS-TMC, GPRS Traffic or HD Traffic on the Live devices, the repair is to unzip the map download on the PC and copy the above two files to your applicable map folder - Strange one though as it doesn't affect all users but quite a few have reported this fix does get Traffic working again post the v835 map update - Mike
I have no idea if they have fixed it with a new version of Home as I don't use that useless software unless absolutely necessary, I will try and find out later though and let you know - Mike
I have noticed a bug. When you edit your map and add or edit a POI, it then starts displaying that POI category on the map on the navigation screen. Adding or editing a POI has nothing to do with displaying the POI category on the navigation screen.

I have my TomTom configured not to show any POI categories on the navigation screen. This is why I noticed this right away.
When you add or edit to a category, don't you have to highlight the category t make the change to and doesn't that put the checkmark on in the box .... causing it to display?

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