Vote for your most wanted new features here

"Full screen voice recognition mode"

As an adjunct/alternative to "tapless speech recognition (voice keyword)", a mode where touching the screen anywhere starts speech recognition. Which means that you wouldn't have to try to tap a single icon, while driving; just touch the screen anywhere.

The mode would be turned off by a simple speech command, allowing normal use.
The Version 9.430 Status Bar is simply less readable then previous versions. Thus the smaller fonts, poor layout and clutter reduce driving safety.
My votes (in descending urgency) are:
#1: Most Urgent: Restore 9.430 Status Bar GUI layout to earlier versions.
#2: Extend Menu Preferences "2D/3D" to add: "Hide all 3D functionality".
#3: Support a Height function (I know there is 3rd party add-in). Folks with O2 issues need to know present height ASL. An in-built height could do the Geoid calculation depending on Lat/Long?
#4: Option: Auto turn TomTom ON with vehicle power; like the auto-turn-off.
#5: Allow a planned (or completed) Route to be stored as an Itinerary (& thus it would become editable) .
#6: Allow Itineraries to be chained or to be sub-Itineraries of a master Itinerary.
Thanks, Roger
Wish list

1. Ability to create / upload GPS-linked overlays as described at:
create dot tomtom dot com
in the section
manuals / create-your-own-content
where they give the example of the CEBIT overlay

2. SDK so custom apps can be created just as for older models

3 utility to view / access system files just as for older models
1) Least use of freeways that work - do not use roadways classified as freeway/expressway/highway or any limited access roadway. (i.e. all the roads that clog up during rush hours)

2) Limited Speed to work i.e. do not route on roadways whose speed limit exceeds entered speed.
The top feature doesn't make any sense to me. I want to go to 123 main st. but I'm not going to tell you which city. The city selection is usually a recent one. The prompts are also cascading in that it will only list the roads for the city/state that you previously selected.

I like the idea of being able to click on a POI in driving mode and have it display the informaition associated with it.

I also think including itinerary functionality in a few models is needed. Multiple way points that are able to be saved can use external software (like tyre) to plan routes.
i have i think what'sa VIA 1400, not sure, my tomtom screen keeps telling me a start 20, some goofy serial number looking things and occationally something about a VIA... but NONETHELESS....

it would be AWESOME to not have to click 4 different pop ups EVERY time i want to navigate somewhere about speed cameras, same with map updates, .. i understand tomtom is trying to make more money but makes me want to throw the thing out the window and tell everyone i know to buy some other product or just use my cellphone.. but i definately prefer having the dedicated device to do GPS.

and with kow tow enthusiasm i second, third, quadruple, and upwards on CynicX on his suggestion, and not even ALL cities, just have a "search again option" within 10-25-50-100 miles kind of thing of previous address attempt. or even a that address was found 100 yards from your previous attempt in THIS zipcode/city type thing.

lastly there USED to be a feature to browse map, WITHOUT messing with current route.. now the only way to browse the map, say if someone at a gas station asks for directions, is to put in a full route or navigate to point on map, and then you can see the map.

option for older features, like buttons for zoom in /out versus this crazy drag bar thing it's got going on.

first page RobertB i think it was also suggested an option to update speed limit, or street name by point A to point B, because selecting 20 miles of individual road segments for an unnamed road is ridiculous

an option to put in a roadblock, for say a bridge being re-worked, to where it's a POINT of obstruction versus blocking the entire road, or where some side streets have a 20 foot section that no longer connects.

option to be able to update the address number ranges on a road?? unnamed road updated - speed, name... that's it.. no type(dirt/paved), no address ranges

more classifications than turnpike, highway, primary, secondary, and dirt roads.. because there's gravel and oil roads too, where i live you almost never take a dirt road, but gravel and oil is fine.. and those may change status every other mile, and there's no way to update the system to say a road's been paved.
also along these lines would be highly beneficial to be able to flag a section of road as an on or off ramp, versus a regular road.. or flag an intersection as over/underpass other than turn restrictions. ( so the map shows it correctly)

possibility to enter an address as an address and search and then get reporting of number out of range after? like number, then road name search, then city. usually end up having to ask someone for their address at least twice to get city from their answer, then street and lastly usually have to have them repeat the house number.

another routing option ? there used to be an option to select "shortest" and "fastest" what about "least turns" ? or even a hybrid of shortest/fastest .. much driving time is lost doing zig zags through back roads versus straight shot and turn once and straight shot. (usually if you know the area you can get around this by travel via option)

manual calibration? it's bad when i've missed a turn by 1000 feet because the gps doesn't think i've made it to the intersection yet.

as for map corrections, roads change often, as we all know with map updates.. what about an option for "track driving" for updating a road?

Lastly... UPDATES... is there any possible, conceivable, optionable method to update the device AFTER a download is done? i live in the country, power and or internet is not entirely reliable, i sweat bullets if my power blips mid update and my tomtom acts like it's bricked. also to make updates more efficient than update timeframes of 14 hours because of indirectly downloading 2 GB to the tomtom.
Wow, lots to read there, drexor.

I'll pick out a few points...

The model name:
TomTom call the same hardware different things in different countries. If your supplier got his stock by an "unusual" route , or TomTom simply made a cock-up, you may have got kit originally destined for Europe.

If you enter the first two characters of your serial number into the box here, it will tell you the exact model name (or names).
That's the US site. I suspect it will come up with both the VIA and START names, but if it only comes up with the VIA name, it would probably come up with the START name if you try the European equivalent site here

Viewing the map.
I'm not sure I understand what's missing when you say you can't see the map without putting in a route. Maybe your model is different, but I had a START20 for a while and don't remember it being impossible to get to what used to be called "browse map" and is now renamed "View map" on the recent "NAV3" models.

If your menus are the same as my other NAV3 TomToms, then there *is* one annoying "feature" in that once a route has been calculated, then the "Show map" menu item gets changed to a two-button "View route" followed by "Show map of route" before you can see the map screen.

But all that means is that every time you visit the map from that menu, it has been zoomed and panned to your current route. However, it still works exactly the same as before... you can drag the map with your finger and use the zoom bar to move about, and the "Find" button still works like it always does.

Map corrections for speed limits "A to B"
Again, many of us have been asking for this for years.
Obviously the way it works is that each "road section" in the maps has a speed limit attached. Changing that value is easy, but actually changing the length of a particular section (to mark the precise point where the speed limit changes, must be FAR more difficult as it would mean changing the core map data.

You can always report the exact coordinates for the stretch of road using the "report other" text box, but I'd be the first to agree they could REALLY do with a complete re-think of how to handle speed limit corrections.


Map corrections for "single-point" blockages...
Yes, I've been asking for that ever since MapShare came out.
In the UK, our local councils just LOVE blocking residential roads, and it is always done with a gate or bollards or some ornamental flower beds.
This means that the blunt instrument of making a road "one-way" in BOTH directions, never describes the real situation correctly.
But to do it properly means having to redraw the actual road segments, and as we've seen above MapShare is not designed to be able to do that.


You say "there used to be an option to select "shortest" and "fastest" what about "least turns" ? or even a hybrid of shortest/fastest .. "

Do you not still get the shortest/fastest options if you set it up that way in the "Planning preferences menu ?
(again, that menu MAY have gone on your model, but I didn't think the START20 had cut-down menus, like some lesser models)
Lots of TT models now also have an "eco-route" option which is supposed to be a hybrid of fastest and shortest, but to be honest, it usually still seems to use the "fastest" route if you select "eco".


Manual calibration?
I doubt it's the actual static positioning calibration that's wrong. It's more likely just to be running slowly at that point and the position is lagging. Have you got too many POIs set to "show on map". That's a classic way to get it to start struggling to keep up, and stupidly, many recent software updates actually "tick all the boxes" and turn on all your user-POI categories without you noticing.
If your menus are the same as my other NAV3 TomToms, then there *is* one annoying "feature" in that once a route has been calculated, then the "Show map" menu item gets changed to a two-button "View route" followed by "Show map of route" before you can see the map screen.
I've mentioned this annoying situation before as well, Andy.

In the Nav2 days, while a route was still active, you could readily head for Browse map and review whatever you liked and it entirely independent of any current route being navigated.

Now when you have an active route, and select "View route", rather than having a map that is more or less sane in terms of scale, and centered on your current location, you're stuck with "Show map of route", which will represent the entire route on the map, which in the case of longer trips (say, 250 miles), is SO zoomed back that all you get is the raster image of a satellite photo! I liked it the way it used to be. What can I say? It changed.

Map corrections for "single-point" blockages...
Yes, I've been asking for that ever since MapShare came out.
In the UK, our local councils just LOVE blocking residential roads, and it is always done with a gate or bollards or some ornamental flower beds.
Amen to that one. We have one local town that keeps insisting on creating new blockages in roads where they didn't exist. They do it all in the name of traffic mitigation and to facilitate the "feeling" (they're big on feeling) of "neighborhoods". I'm not sure which of us has learned this from the other, but we need to find a way to prevent them from talking to each other. And as you say, there's just no way to properly identify this in a MapShare environment.

Further to that, we've been finding more and more sections of county road that have been mysteriously turned over to local residents and gated off. Those gates are not always conveniently placed at intersections, and there's no tidy way of showing that blockage without blocking the entire road segment. Same problem.
I'll get things started with my votes:

A preference to decrease or shut off the 5 min u-turn delay - 5
Add a road via mapshare - 4
Auto-sorting of fastest order of stops on an itinerary - 4
Preference for browse mode while navigating (tapping will move the map rather than opening a menu) - 4
Tapless speech recognition - eg by yelling some type of voice keyword so you don't have to use your hands - 3
partner with Alpine/Kenwood/Pionner (or someone similar) and make an aftermarket in-dash tomtom/radio with at least a 7 inch screen - 3
Razr2 bluetooth support - 2
Time of day map features (road restrictions / turn restrictions) - 2

there is a sony called the XNV that uses tomtom maps and it has a 7 inch screen
there is a sony called the XNV that uses tomtom maps and it has a 7 inch screen
Get one while you can. That model has (sadly) been discontinued by Sony.
there is a sony called the XNV that uses tomtom maps and it has a 7 inch screen
Get one while you can. That model has (sadly) been discontinued by Sony.

Sony has ceded navigation development to the smartphones (a very smart move). Their new XNV line supports mirrorlink, which allows compatible smartphones to relay their screens onto the Sony in-dash screen.

While available online, I still haven't seen an in-store demo of it anywhere. I was going to be the first to buy an HD-traffic-capable XNV if launched in the USA, and now I'll be the first to buy this mirrorlink model once I can test/confirm that it works with my Samsung Galaxy S3.
I'll keep my idea simple.
I want a plastic thing shaped so that it clips on to the bottom of my Tom-Tom device and provides a totally flat base about the size of a beer mat that I can stick to the top of my fascia using double sided tape to keep it in place and stop it falling off.
People reading the "Help me, please" topics will know what I mean . :)
There are some interesting 3rd party mounts out there that might be worth a look, Steve. What model TomTom do you have?
Hi Canderson,
It is a GO 630 and has more off the wall corners and funny angles than you could shake a pointy stick at. Even when you try to stand it up it just falls over.

ps .... I have also bought a Tom - Tom XL Classic but it hasn't arrived yet. Should be here in the next few days.
You can buy flat disks that glue onto the dashboard that the suction mount will stick to.

You can also remove the entire suction mount and replace it with alternative mount types from several manufacturers.
Arkon makes some interesting mounts. For example, see here: Mounts/gps-car-mounts.html one of which could probably be adapted to your mount preference (TT228).

MountGuys have a ton of stuff, several of which are designed for bean bag or similar horizontal mounting arrangements.

There's nothing designed to clip onto the TomTom frame. These are replacement mounts. You pull off the existing mount, and these connect as would the factory mount, only come in many different configurations.
My votes

Please reply to this thread with your most wanted new features, and rate each from 1 (little importance to you) to 5 (very important to you).

4 faster refresh rate
5 replaceable battery pack
3 color code traffic congestion on the right-hand bar
5 disable stolen units
4 choose a level of map detail that would remain at any zoom level from quick menue
3 see multiple route options (fastest, avoid highways, etc) on a map before selecting one
3 don't have legal disclaimer each time device is turned on
1 automatically clear routes after arrival
3 create an itinerary online and transfer it to the tomtom(see this link)
5 preference for "browse/panning mode" while navigating
4 auto-power off when external power is disconnected
3 auto-power on when external power is connected
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Some good suggestions there, but I'm puzzled by a couple of them...

"don't have legal disclaimer each time device is turned on"
You shouldn't get one.
If you're talking about the "it is your responsibility..." one that should only appear after a re-boot or software update, not after a normal switch on.
But if it's the "information sharing" one, then that's a user option.... To turn it off, go to "start-up preferences".

"auto-power off when external power is disconnected"
" auto-power on when external power is connected

Old NAV2 models have auto-off
New NAV3 models have both auto-on and auto -off

Both are set in "Battery saving Settings"

Finally, what did you mean by
"preference for "browse/panning mode" while navigating" ?

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