Voice Recognition

I received my Go 720 3 weeks ago and it has NA Maps 7.05

Am I entitled to a free upgrade or do I have to purchase version 7.10?



It would seem so. With your unit docked and TTHome running, go to Home's menu for Map Guarantee. Make sure you have an account created with tomtom.com.

If for some reason, Map Guarantee doesn't show the availability of NA 7.10 for you, try 'Update my Go' option and see if it shows there.

If still a no go, then you have to call TomTom support, since a user has 30 days from first connection of the unit via TTHome to get any new map (the 7.10 has been out since early November, 2007).
what could i have done wrong?

I don't know.......

Go back to the second post in this thread (it's on page 1). Check again the requirements needed. You do have the firmware so make doubly sure you have the North America map version 7.10 (not the USA & Canada 7.10) and check you do have the asr_support.dat file created properly AND in the asr folder on your unit.

For the hell of it, also check this: assuming you DO have the proper map, view the contents using Explorer (unit needs to be on and connected to the computer. TTHome does NOT need to be running). See if you have a bunch of cspeech_xx.dat files in the same NA map folder where the 'xx' shows abbreviations for states like CA, TX, etc.
It would seem so. With your unit docked and TTHome running, go to Home's menu for Map Guarantee. Make sure you have an account created with tomtom.com.

If for some reason, Map Guarantee doesn't show the availability of NA 7.10 for you, try 'Update my Go' option and see if it shows there.

If still a no go, then you have to call TomTom support, since a user has 30 days from first connection of the unit via TTHome to get any new map (the 7.10 has been out since early November, 2007).


It worked great!


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